I didn't think so, and I <b>hate</b> combing through DTDs to find an answer.
public class MyObject
private int mId ;
private int [] mIntArray ;
public int getId() { return mId ; }
public int[] getIntArray() { return mIntArray ; }
// Set methods not included
<primitive-array table="MyObjectAssoc" name="intArray">
<key column="myObjectId" />
<index column="int_value" />
<element type="integer" column="int_value" not-null="true"/>
The above example references an association table MyObjectAssoc with columns myObjectId (foreign key to MyObject.mId) and int_value (int values contained in array).
Note: The Hibernate XDoclet tags for primitive-array do not work when generating HBM XML using the Ant xdoclet.modules.hibernate.HibernateDocletTask. They simply ignore the contents. However, the Ant net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExportTask does create the correct tables.