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 Post subject: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseAnywhereDialect
PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:07 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:18 pm
Posts: 11
There seems to be a problem with this dialect and using native id generator.

I have a table that has a PK column defined as:


in my Pojo I define the hibernate mapping using XDoclet as

private int id;

*@hibernate.id column="I_SECURITY_LOG_ID" generator-class = "native"
public int getId()
return id;

When I create a new Pojo, set all of it's attributes, and then call saveOrUpdate(pojo), I get a prepared statement exception saying "Column '@p0' not found".

If I change the Pojo to use my own key generator class and not have the database autoincrement, then it works fine.

I can trace all the way to the execution of the prepared statement, and if I run the same statement externally using ISQL and inserting the variables manually, both the insert and the select @@identity seem to work fine.

My only conclusion is that there is something going on inside the Dialect that I can't see that isn't working correctly. I could be wrong... :-) BTW, the database version is Sybase AnyWhere version 7.x I am currently unable to confirm it with Sybase Anywhere 9.x as I don't have version 9.x available to test.

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