i came up to the same internationalisation with hibernate problem as others did.
2 tables:
id ... pk, seq
code ... string
parent .. category
id .... pk, seq
cat_id ... int
locale ... string
text .... string
why would i want it like that? so i can have generated pk for each label and for each category.
now i want to have a class category that has the following properties
class category
id .... label.id
locale .... current locale
text ..... text for the current locale
translations ... list of category objects with same code
then i can say something like that
session.find("from category c where c.locale = 'en' and c.parent.id = 13");
i really spent a lot of time now with this problem (read hibernate in action and so on) and it helped me to understand hibernate a bit more.
i also found a thread that seems to address exactly the same main issue
http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.ph ... ght=localethere greg_barton said on 22.03.2004 that this will be possible in v2.2
that is why i'm asking: is there already a way to do this in v2.1.7?
i also read that in v3 it is possible to define sql in the mapping files for about anything. would that help me with this?
what i did now is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="foo.bar" default-access="field">
<class name="CategoryDetails" table="label">
<id name="id" column="ID" type="int">
<generator class="native"></generator>
<property name="locale" column="LANGUAGE" type="string"
unique="false" not-null="true">
<property name="categoryId" column="CAT_ID" type="int"
unique="false" not-null="true">
<property name="name" column="NAME" type="string" unique="false"
<joined-subclass name="Category" table="category" lazy="false">
<key column="ID" foreign-key="CategoryId"></key>
<many-to-one name="parent" class="Category" column="PARENT">
<set name="children" inverse="true" table="Categoryes"
<key column="PARENT" foreign-key="ID"></key>
<one-to-many class="Category" />
<property name="code" column="CODE" type="string"
not-null="false" unique="false">
and when i load some data with
session.find("from Category c where c.name like 'foo%'")
the generated sql is something like that (which is not exactly what i want).
select catego0_.ID as ID, catego0_.PARENT as PARENT1_, catego0_.CODE as CODE1_, catego0__1_.LANGUAGE as LANGUAGE0_, catego0__1_.CAT_ID as CAT_ID0_, catego0__1_.NAME as NAME0_ from categories catego0_ inner join label catego0__1_ on [b]catego0_.ID=catego0__1_.ID[/b] where (catego0__1_.NAME like 'foo%' )
now i'm again so close yet so far to a solution. i understand that the joined-subclass mappes the id of the subclass to the id of the class. yet i would like to define the foreign key myself.
(if there is some mismatch in the code forgive me it was hand edited before posting)
well! any comments are very much appreciated.[/code]