my classes and interface are,
import java.lang.String;
public interface INames {
public String getName();
public setName(String name);
public String getSurname();
public setSurname(String surname);
public String getMiddlename();
public setMiddlename(String middlename);
this interface need for multiplying
public interface IMaincard {
public INames iNames;
public INames getBabynames();
public setBabynames(INames babyNames);
public void getBabynames();
this is my persisntece classs interface
public class Maincard implements IMaincard {
private INames babyname;
this is persistence class
i am totaly confused when i try generate hibernate mapping, i deleted other field my class for simply for this forum.
can u some one help me generate this hibernate mapping and usage Maincard class for get and set for babyname on this Interface.
thank a lots.