Dear All:
i am new to hibernate and my code walkthrough fails on JUnit.
yesterday , i posted this same error ,and i gat some clue , however , it still seems to not respond to all my changes.
I have included my ant build file , i am not sure where i am actually using the same hibernate mapping file twice in my build file.
looking at my error stack and my build , if i can know what i have to tweak
to correct this offence.
if anyone sees this as a misleading error i will be glad to get any ideas.
Hibernate version:
Hibernate 2.1.2
Mapping documents:
build file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="hibnet" basedir="." default="all">
<!-- Project variables -->
<property name="build.src" value="src"/>
<property name="build.deprecation" value="true"/>
<property name="build.debug" value="true"/>
<property name="build.destdir" value="build"/>
<property name="javadoc.source" value="${build.src}"/>
<property name="javadoc.dest" value="api"/>
<property name="javadoc.packages" value="hinetlogic.*"/>
<property name="hibnet.lib" value="lib"/>
<!-- Write the schema to a text file -->
<property name="hibernate.args" value="--output=schema.ddl"/>
<!-- Change this to suite your desired dialect -->
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect"/>
<!-- This property should be the fully qualified class name of your JDBC driver -->
<property name="hibernate.conn.driver_class" value=""/>
<!-- Update these properties to reflect your database -->
<property name="hibernate.conn.url" value="jdbc:db2:sample"/>
<property name="hibernate.conn.username" value="xxx"/>
<property name="hibernate.conn.password" value="xxx"/>
<!-- Path reference for the project classpath -->
<path id="project.class.path">
<pathelement path="config"/>
<pathelement path="build"/>
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<include name="**/*.zip"/>
<include name="**/*.p*"/>
<!-- Hibernate mapping files -->
<fileset id="hibernate.mapping.files" dir="${build.src}">
<include name="**/*.hbm.xml" />
<target name="all" depends="build,make-docs,gen-classes,make-props,init-db,run-tests"
description="Executes all of the targets, including the unit tests."/>
<target name="build"
description="Compiles source.">
<mkdir dir="${build.destdir}" />
<javac target="1.4"
debug="${build.debug}" />
<copy todir="${build.destdir}/hinetlogic" >
<fileset dir="${build.src}/hinetlogic" >
<include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/>
<target name="make-docs" description="Generates JavaDoc.">
<mkdir dir="${javadoc.source}"/>
<javadoc sourcepath="${javadoc.source}"
<target name="run-tests" depends="build" description="Runs the unit tests." >
<mkdir dir="test-results"/>
<junit fork="true" printsummary="yes" showoutput="yes">
<formatter type="plain"/>
<classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
<test name="hinetlogic.test.TestCustomerDAO" todir="test-results" outfile="result"/>
<target name="make-props" description="Generates the file.">
<propertyfile file="config/" comment="hinetlogic hibernate properties">
<entry key="hibernate.dialect" value="${hibernate.dialect}"/>
<entry key="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="${hibernate.conn.driver_class}"/>
<entry key="hibernate.connection.url" value="${hibernate.conn.url}"/>
<entry key="hibernate.connection.username" value="${hibernate.conn.username}"/>
<entry key="hibernate.connection.password" value="${hibernate.conn.password}"/>
<target name="init-db" depends="make-props" description="Creates the app database.">
<taskdef classname="net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExportTask"
classpathref="project.class.path" name="schemaexport"/>
<schemaexport delimiter=";" drop="false" output="${basedir}/db/schema.sql"
properties="config/" quiet="true" text="false">
<fileset dir="${build.destdir}">
<include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/>
<target name="gen-classes" depends="build" description="Creates the code based on the Hibernate mapping docs." >
<pathconvert refid="hibernate.mapping.files"
property="hibernate.mappings" pathsep=" " />
<java classname="net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.CodeGenerator" fork="true">
<classpath refid="project.class.path" />
<arg line="--output=${build.src}"/>
<arg line="${hibernate.mappings}"/>
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:
[javadoc] Generating Javadoc
[javadoc] Javadoc execution
[javadoc] Loading source files for package hinetlogic...
[javadoc] Loading source files for package hinetlogic.persistence...
[javadoc] Loading source files for package hinetlogic.test...
[javadoc] Loading source files for package hinetlogic.util...
[javadoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
[javadoc] Standard Doclet version 1.4.2_05
[javadoc] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
[javadoc] Building index for all the packages and classes...
[javadoc] Building index for all classes...
[java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (net.sf.hibernate.
[java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[propertyfile] Updating property file: E:\hinetlogic\config\
[schemaexport] 22:36:56,144 INFO Environment:462 - Hibernate 2.1.2
[schemaexport] 22:36:56,164 INFO Environment:496 - loaded properties from resou
rce {hibernate.connection.username=xxxx, hibernate.conne
ction.password=xxxxx, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.d
ialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:db2:sa
[schemaexport] 22:36:56,204 INFO Environment:519 - using CGLIB reflection optim
[schemaexport] 22:36:56,305 INFO Configuration:166 - Mapping file: E:\hinetlogi
[schemaexport] 22:36:57,646 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: hinetlogic.Custome
[schemaexport] 22:36:58,598 INFO Dialect:82 - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.d
[schemaexport] 22:36:58,608 INFO Configuration:595 - processing one-to-many ass
ociation mappings
[schemaexport] 22:36:58,608 INFO Binder:1154 - Mapping collection: hinetlogic.C
ustomer.customer -> CUSTOMER
[schemaexport] 22:36:58,608 INFO Configuration:604 - processing one-to-one asso
ciation property references
[schemaexport] 22:36:58,618 INFO Configuration:629 - processing foreign key con
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,018 INFO Configuration:595 - processing one-to-many ass
ociation mappings
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,018 INFO Configuration:604 - processing one-to-one asso
ciation property references
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,028 INFO Configuration:629 - processing foreign key con
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,048 INFO SchemaExport:98 - Running hbm2ddl schema expor
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,058 INFO SchemaExport:112 - writing generated schema to
file: E:\hinetlogic/db/schema.sql
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,069 INFO SchemaExport:117 - exporting generated schema
to database
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,109 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hib
ernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,119 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate
connection pool size: 20
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,229 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:71 - using dri
ver: at URL: jdbc:db2:sample
[schemaexport] 22:36:59,229 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:72 - connectio
n properties: {user=xxxx password=xxxxx}
[schemaexport] 22:37:00,080 DEBUG SchemaExport:132 - drop table CUSTOMER;
[schemaexport] 22:37:00,571 DEBUG SchemaExport:132 - drop table hibernate_unique
[schemaexport] 22:37:00,601 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - create table CUSTOMER (
[schemaexport] name VARCHAR(255) not null,
[schemaexport] customer_Id VARCHAR(10) not null,
[schemaexport] email_address VARCHAR(50) not null,
[schemaexport] office_phone VARCHAR(20) not null,
[schemaexport] date_entered DATE not null,
[schemaexport] home_phone VARCHAR(20) not null,
[schemaexport] street VARCHAR(100) not null,
[schemaexport] state VARCHAR(20) not null,
[schemaexport] postal_code VARCHAR(10) not null,
[schemaexport] country VARCHAR(20) not null,
[schemaexport] primary key (name)
[schemaexport] );
[schemaexport] 22:37:01,071 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - create table hibernate_uniq
ue_key (
[schemaexport] next_hi INTEGER
[schemaexport] );
[schemaexport] 22:37:01,212 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - insert into hibernate_uniqu
e_key values ( 0 );
[schemaexport] 22:37:01,212 INFO SchemaExport:160 - schema export complete
[schemaexport] 22:37:01,232 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:137 - cleaning
up connection pool: jdbc:db2:sample
22:37:02,123 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:137 - cleaning up connection
pool: jdbc:db2:sample
[junit] Running hinetlogic.test.TestCustomerDAO
[junit] 22:37:04,677 INFO Environment:462 - Hibernate 2.1.2
[junit] 22:37:04,737 INFO Environment:496 - loaded properties from resource {hibernate.connection.username=neuron, hibernate.connecti
on.password=admin, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.dial
ect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:db2:sampl
[junit] 22:37:04,747 INFO Environment:519 - using CGLIB reflection optimize
[junit] 22:37:04,767 INFO Configuration:329 - Mapping resource: hinetlogic/
[junit] 22:37:06,820 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: hinetlogic.Customer -
[junit] 22:37:07,160 INFO Configuration:595 - processing one-to-many associ
ation mappings
[junit] 22:37:07,170 INFO Binder:1154 - Mapping collection: hinetlogic.Cust
omer.customer -> CUSTOMER
[junit] 22:37:07,170 INFO Configuration:604 - processing one-to-one associa
tion property references
[junit] 22:37:07,170 INFO Configuration:629 - processing foreign key constr
[junit] 22:37:07,250 INFO Dialect:82 - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dial
[junit] 22:37:07,260 INFO SettingsFactory:62 - Use outer join fetching: tru
[junit] 22:37:07,290 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibern
ate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
[junit] 22:37:07,290 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate co
nnection pool size: 20
[junit] 22:37:07,411 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:71 - using driver
: at URL: jdbc:db2:sample
[junit] 22:37:07,411 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:72 - connection p
roperties: {user=neuron, password=admin}
[junit] 22:37:07,471 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No Transacti
onManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write
cache is not recommended)
[junit] 22:37:08,452 INFO Configuration:329 - Mapping resource: hinetlogic/
[junit] 22:37:08,612 ERROR Configuration:252 - Could not compile the mapping
[junit] net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: duplicate import: Customer
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Mappings.addImport(
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindClass(
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindRootClass(
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindRoot(
[junit] %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%
[junit] hinetlogic.persistence.DAOException: Error reading resource: hinetlo
gic/Customer.hbm.xml wraps: [net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: Error reading re
source: hinetlogic/Customer.hbm.xml]a:333)
[junit] ... 19 more
[junit] Test hinetlogic.test.TestCustomerDAO FAILED
Total time: 30 seconds
Name and version of the database you are using:
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt: