I'm seeing the below error everytime I start up the application. Everything appears to be working correctly in the application - but I don't want to release code that I know has a bug in it somewhere.
Here's what I've checked so far (based on other forum entries):
-There is only one hibernate jar in my class path, and it's the correct version
-I tried adding the newest versions of the Xalan, Xerces, and XML-APIs.jars to my app (no change there)
Anyone have ideas for other places to look / ways to troubleshoot this?
[b]Hibernate version:Hibernate 2.1.5[/b]
[b]Exception that occurs:[/b]
XMLDatabinder W net.sf.hibernate.xml.XMLDatabinder [b]Problem opening output stylesheet - databinding disabled[/b]
XMLDatabinder W net.sf.hibernate.xml.XMLDatabinder TRAS0014I: The following exception was logged javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: [b]can't declare any more prefixes in this context[/b] at org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(TransformerFactoryImpl.java:842) at net.sf.hibernate.xml.XMLDatabinder.getOutputStyleSheetTemplates(XMLDatabinder.java:254)