I'm currently exploring hibernate. I'm following the instructions to build eg
but the build terminates prematurely.
Hibernate version:
Name and version of the database you are using:
MySQL 4.1.7
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
[java] Hibernate: select auctionite0_.id as id0_, bids1_.id as id1_, user2_
.id as id2_, auctionite0_.description as descript2_0_, auctionite0_.ends as ends
0_, auctionite0_.condition as condition0_, auctionite0_.seller as seller0_, auct
ionite0_.successfulBid as successf6_0_, bids1_.isBuyNow as isBuyNow1_, bids1_.am
ount as amount1_, bids1_.datetime as datetime1_, bids1_.bidder as bidder1_, bids
1_.item as item1_, user2_.userName as userName2_, user2_.`password` as y3_2_, us
er2_.email as email2_, user2_.firstName as firstName2_, user2_.`initial` as y6_2
_, user2_.lastName as lastName2_, bids1_.item as item__, bids1_.id as id__ from
AuctionItem auctionite0_ left outer join Bid bids1_ on auctionite0_.id=bids1_.it
em left outer join AuctionUser user2_ on bids1_.bidder=user2_.id order by aucti
onite0_.ends desc limit ?
I tried running the sql query in MySql. It objects to the last line "desc limit ?"
Anybody encountered the same problem?
There were also some errors before like
[java] 14:00:50,611 INFO ReflectHelper:186 - reflection optimizer disabled
for: org.hibernate.auction.Name, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching
but the build does not terminate so I'm assuming it's ok...