I am trying to use SpiritCache as a plugin with hibernate. I need clarity on the following methods.
1) Method lock() in the Cache interface
The lock() method in the SpiritSoft API accepts 3 parameters. The two additional parameters are waitTimeOut and lockDuration. While the hibernate Cache doesnt use these parameters, is there any typical value I can use.
2) Similarly the method unlock() also has an additional parameter for timeout.
3) What is the use of the nextTimeStamp() method? I dont see any equivalent method in SpiritCahce API. Please give me some pointers on this. The hibernate API doc just says "Generate a timestamp".
4) The getTimeOut() method. What is the typical value? Gavin has used 10000 (not sure) in the Coherence Cahce plugin. Can we use the same here.
These questions seem to be specific to SpiritCache. But, will surely be helpful in making hibernate compatible with more and more products I guess.
Thanks in advance.