Publish_date is a datetime field in the database.
And it looks like this is the query that is executing, problem is that the order-by doesn't show up anywhere!!
select this.credit_id as credit_id1_, this.credit_name as credit_n2_1_, albums1_.album_id as album_id__,
albums1_.credit_id as credit_id__, album2_.album_id as album_id0_, album2_.title astitle0_, album2_.version_title as version_3_0_,
album2_.duration as duration0_, album2_.notes as notes0_, album2_.is_compilation as is_compi6_0_,
album2_.publisher as publisher0_, album2_.publish_date as publish_8_0_, album2_.incomplete asincomplete0_,
album2_.explicit_lyrics as explici10_0_, album2_.artwork_copyright as artwork11_0_, album2_.upc as upc0_,
album2_.genre_id as genre_id0_, album2_.amg_rating as amg_rating0_, album2_.amg_best_of_rating as amg_bes15_0_,
album2_.amg_best_of_pick as amg_bes16_0_, album2_.cover_graphic_id as cover_g17_0_, album2_.product_id as product_id0_
from CREDIT this
left outer join CREDIT_ALBUM albums1_ on this.credit_id=albums1_.credit_id
left outer join ALBUM album2_ on albums1_.album_id=album2_.album_id
where this.credit_id=?