I have looked into the errors from the junit tests and it seems as if Cloudscase does not care for unique keys where one of the columns is nullable; in this case
caused the hicup. I got all of the tests to run successfully by removing
PARENT_CATEGORY_ID from the unique key. I am not sure if this is a problem with Cloudscape or CaveatEmptor. If it is Cloudscape, which is what I suspect, what can be done about it? Should this be escalated to the Derby team with a test case?
There are also still reports of SQL errrors in the junit output, but these do not trigger test failures, so I assume that the testcases are swallowing them. They do, however, look worrysome to me. Advice would be appreciated.
19:27:33,875 ERROR SchemaExport: Unsuccessful: alter table BANK_ACCOUNT add constraint FK1_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID foreign key (BANK_ACCOUNT_ID) references BILLING_DETAILS
19:27:33,875 ERROR SchemaExport: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 42622, SQLERRMC: FK1_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID^T18^T42622
19:27:34,062 ERROR SchemaExport: Unsuccessful: alter table CATEGORY add constraint FK1_PARENT_CATEGORY_ID foreign key (PARENT_CATEGORY_ID) references CATEGORY
19:27:34,062 ERROR SchemaExport: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 42622, SQLERRMC: FK1_PARENT_CATEGORY_ID^T18^T42622
19:27:34,062 ERROR SchemaExport: Unsuccessful: alter table ITEM add constraint FK1_APPROVED_BY_USER_ID foreign key (APPROVED_BY_USER_ID) references USERS
19:27:34,062 ERROR SchemaExport: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 42622, SQLERRMC: FK1_APPROVED_BY_USER_ID^T18^T42622
19:27:34,171 ERROR SchemaExport: Unsuccessful: alter table ITEM add constraint FK3_SUCCESSFUL_BID_ID foreign key (SUCCESSFUL_BID_ID) references BID
19:27:34,171 ERROR SchemaExport: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 42622, SQLERRMC: FK3_SUCCESSFUL_BID_ID^T18^T42622
19:27:34,171 ERROR SchemaExport: Unsuccessful: alter table USERS add constraint FK1_DEFAULT_BILLING_DETAILS_ID foreign key (DEFAULT_BILLING_DETAILS_ID) references BILLING_DETAILS
19:27:34,171 ERROR SchemaExport: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 42622, SQLERRMC: FK1_DEFAULT_BILLING_DETAILS_ID^T18^T42622