Thanks. The reason I asked in the first place is this: When you work with test data and write SQL scripts which put new test data into your database, it is nice to have a sensible column ordering. In my customer example I could write a simple script like this
insert into CUSTOMER values (0, 'Randahl', 930)
Now, if hibernate does not create tables with a sensible column ordering, developing these test data scripts is a little harder because the schema is harder to remember.
I do not disagree, that from a theoretical point of view, you do not need to think of the order of columns, but from a practical one I think there are many cases where having a sensible column order makes a lot of sense.
Another example could be external systems accessing your database through JDBC. The developers of those external systems will probably complain if your tables look all messed up, because the will be writing SQL scripts to interact with the database.
But, as you mentioned, specifying a sensible column ordering is not supported. Do you think it will be supported in 3.0?
Thanks again for answering my question.