I have a big doubt concerning strings in perstistable objects and database tables.
Wheather is quite obvious that, for example, using an Integer instead of an int is reasonable because null, 0 and non-zero are three different states that could have a valid business meaning, I think that for String things are quite different.
The problem, to me, is: do I really need to distinguish between null, ""(empty String) and non-empty string?
I think that, for Strings, most of times, we have only two "significant" states: null/empty and non empty.
Usually, whe can get null, 0 or non-zero from an user interface in a numeric field, but for a string it's quite usual to have only empty or non-empty.
To complicate the scenario, we must remember that null strings and empty strings are managed differently in databases;
a trivial example, think you have this table:
id int (primary key)
val char(10)
with these records:
(0, NULL)
(1, "a")
(2, "a")
(3, "b")
if you have:
SELECT ... WHERE val!="a" only the record (3, "b") is returned;
but maybe, you would like to obtain (3, "b") and (0, NULL), from a business-logic point of view; and this would require:
SELECT ... WHERE val!="a" or val is null
and on "or" could have a negative impact on a query performance.
But also in Java code, writing:
if (a.equals(b)) ...
is shorter than:
if ((a!=null) && (a.equals(b)) ...
Another consideration: in this case a UserType could provide a good abstraction and allow to "change mind" later, but defining a UserType to wrap a String for this reason, to the minimum will complicate the code and will have a big impact on performance.
I know that ther's not a fixed approach to this; it depends on business logics, habits, and so on, but any suggestion, experience or any other consideration would be VERY appreciated.