These days, I am investigating cursor leak issues of a large application, which uses Struts, Hiberate2 and Oracle.
When the applicatin is running, I use the following SQL sentence to query database and get some SQL sentences.
select count(v$sqlarea.sql_text),v$sqlarea.sql_text
from v$open_cursor, v$sqlarea, v$session
where v$open_cursor.hash_value = v$sqlarea.hash_value
and v$open_cursor.sid = v$session.sid
and v$session.status = 'INACTIVE'
group by v$sqlarea.sql_text;
But, I found a curious problem, I can't find where one of the returned SQL sentences is used after checking all of the Java classes. The SQL sentence is as below:
select tcdpkgty0_.PKG_TYP_CD as PKG_TYP_CD, tcdpkgty0_.PKG_TYP_NM as PKG_TYP_NM, tcdpkgty0_.CHLD_SLT_NUM as CHLD_SLT3_, tcdpkgty0_.LC_CL as LC_CL, tcdpkgty0_.LC_TYP as LC_TYP, tcdpkgty0_.PKG_TYP_OID as PKG_TYP_6_, tcdpkgty0_.PKG_TYP_MIB_VL as PKG_TYP_7_, tcdpkgty0_.AUTO_ADD_PKG_TYP_CD as AUTO_ADD8_, tcdpkgty0_.AUTO_ADD_SLT_NO as AUTO_ADD9_, tcdpkgty0_.SLT_BND_MAX_VL as SLT_BND10_ from T_CD_PKG_TYP tcdpkgty0_ where tcdpkgty0_.PKG_TYP_CD=:1
I wonder whether Hibernate can issue SQL sentences to database without using HQL or SQL.