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 Post subject: Parent-child: when child is saved foreign key not populated
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:49 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:02 pm
Posts: 3
Hello. I did not see anything similar to my issue so I am posting this. I do not have any errors but I have an Application object (parent) which has a one-to-many relationship with the ActivityHistory object. Below are the mapping files.
When I save the application, I do see both the application and activityHistory records in my DB2 database (they are in separate tables named Application and ActivityHistory). ApplicationId is the primary key on Application. After the records are saved in the db, I expected that since applicationId is a foreign key on ActivityHistory, I would see the application's applicationId being saved in the ActivityHistory record, but I do not. Am I missing something here? I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance--Anna

Hibernate version: 2.1

Hibernate properties file:
### Query Language ###

## define query language constants / function names

hibernate.query.substitutions true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N'

### Platforms ###

## specify a JDBC isolation level

#hibernate.connection.isolation 4
# HSQLDB doesn't support isolation level 4.
# hibernate.connection.isolation 1

## JNDI Datasource

hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
#hibernate.connection.isolation 4
hibernate.connection.datasource DMI_DOD
#hibernate.connection.username db2inst
#hibernate.connection.password manager
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider

#hibernate.connection.datasource java:comp/env/jdbc/dmiDB

## HypersonicSQL

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
#hibernate.connection.username sa
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:10011
#hibernate.connection.isolation 1
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:hsqldb:default

## PostgreSQL

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class org.postgresql.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:postgresql:template1
#hibernate.connection.username pg
#hibernate.query.substitutions yes 'Y', no 'N'

## DB2

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:db2:your_db_name
#hibernate.connection.username your_db_user
#hibernate.connection.password your_db_password

## MySQL

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:mysql:///test
#hibernate.connection.username root

## Oracle

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect
#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
#hibernate.connection.username your_db_user
#hibernate.connection.password your_db_pass
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:oracle:thin:@your_host:1521:your_sid

## Sybase

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
#hibernate.connection.username sa
#hibernate.connection.password sasasa
#hibernate.connection.rl jdbc:sybase:Tds:co3061835-a:5000/tempdb

## Mckoi SQL

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MckoiDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.mckoi.JDBCDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:mckoi:///
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:mckoi:local://C:/mckoi1.00/db.conf
#hibernate.connection.username admin
#hibernate.connection.password nimda


#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SAPDBDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:sapdb://localhost/TST
#hibernate.connection.username TEST
#hibernate.connection.password TEST
#hibernate.query.substitutions yes 'Y', no 'N'

## MS SQL Server

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
#hibernate.connection.username sa
#hibernate.connection.password sa

## JSQL Driver
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:JSQLConnect://1E1/test

## JTURBO Driver
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.newatlanta.jturbo.driver.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:JTurbo://1E1:1433/test

## WebLogic Driver
#hibernate.connection.driver_class weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:1E1:1433

## Microsoft Driver (not recommended!)
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://1E1;DatabaseName=test;SelectMethod=cursor

## jTDS (not supported!)
#hibernate.connection.driver_class net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://1E1/test;SelectMethod=cursor
#hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultset false

## Interbase

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.InterbaseDialect
#hibernate.connection.username sysdba
#hibernate.connection.password masterkey

## DO NOT specify hibernate.connection.sqlDialect

## InterClient

#hibernate.connection.driver_class interbase.interclient.Driver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:interbase://localhost:3060/C:/firebird/test.gdb

## Pure Java

#hibernate.connection.driver_class org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:/firebird/test.gdb

## Pointbase

#hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PointbaseDialect
#hibernate.connection.driver_class com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
#hibernate.connection.url jdbc:pointbase:embedded:sample
#hibernate.connection.username PBPUBLIC
#hibernate.connection.password PBPUBLIC

### Hibernate Connection Pool ###

hibernate.connection.pool_size 0

### C3P0 Connection Pool###

#hibernate.c3p0.max_size 2
#hibernate.c3p0.min_size 2
#hibernate.c3p0.timeout 5000
#hibernate.c3p0.max_statements 100
#hibernate.c3p0.validate false

### Apache DBCP Connection Pool ###

## connection pool

#hibernate.dbcp.maxActive 100
#hibernate.dbcp.whenExhaustedAction 1
#hibernate.dbcp.maxWait 120000
#hibernate.dbcp.maxIdle 10

## prepared statement cache

#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxActive 100
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.whenExhaustedAction 1
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxWait 120000
#hibernate.dbcp.ps.maxIdle 10

## optional query to validate pooled connections:

#hibernate.dbcp.validationQuery select 1 from dual
#hibernate.dbcp.testOnBorrow true
#hibernate.dbcp.testOnReturn false

### Proxool Connection Pool###

## Properties for external configuration of Proxool

hibernate.proxool.pool_alias pool1

## Only need one of the following

#hibernate.proxool.existing_pool true
#hibernate.proxool.xml proxool.xml
#hibernate.proxool.properties proxool.properties

## Or, alternatively, all of these
## Standard configuration properties of Proxool

#hibernate.proxool.house-keeping-sleep-time 30000
#hibernate.proxool.maximum-connection-count 4
#hibernate.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime 4
#hibernate.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle 2
#hibernate.proxool.maximum-active-time 500
#hibernate.proxool.minimum-connection-count 2

### Plugin ConnectionProvider ###

## use a custom ConnectionProvider (if not set, Hibernate will choose a built-in ConnectionProvider using hueristics)

#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DBCPConnectionProvider
#hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.ProxoolConnectionProvider

### Transaction API ###

## the Transaction API abstracts application code from the underlying JTA or JDBC transactions

#hibernate.transaction.factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory
#hibernate.transaction.factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory

## to use JTATransactionFactory, Hibernate must be able to locate the UserTransaction in JNDI
## default is java:comp/UserTransaction
## you do NOT need this setting if you specify hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class

#jta.UserTransaction jta/usertransaction
#jta.UserTransaction javax.transaction.UserTransaction
#jta.UserTransaction UserTransaction

## to use JCS caching with JTA, Hibernate must be able to obtain the JTA TransactionManager

#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.OrionTransactionManagerLookup
#hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.ResinTransactionManagerLookup

### Miscellaneous Settings ###

## print all generated SQL to the console

hibernate.show_sql true

## auto schema export

#hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create-drop
#hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto update

## set the JDBC fetch size

#hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size 25

## set the maximum JDBC 2 batch size (a nonzero value enables batching)

hibernate.jdbc.batch_size 0

## enable use of JDBC 2 scrollable ResultSets (specifying a Dialect will cause Hibernate to use a sensible default)

#hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultset true

## use streams when writing binary types to / from JDBC

hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary true

## specify a default schema for unqualified tablenames

#hibernate.default_schema test

## use a custom stylesheet for XML generation (if not specified, hibernate-default.xslt will be used)

#hibernate.xml.output_stylesheet C:/Hibernate/net/sf/hibernate/hibernate-default.xslt

## enable outerjoin fetching (specifying a Dialect will cause Hibernate to use sensible default)

#hibernate.use_outer_join false

## set the maximum depth of the outer join fetch tree

hibernate.max_fetch_depth 1

## enable CGLIB reflection optimizer (enabled by default)

#hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer false

## enable the query cache

#hibernate.cache.use_query_cache true

## choose a cache implementation

hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.OSCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.JCSCacheProvider
#hibernate.cache.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.cache.SwarmCacheProvider

### JNDI ###

## specify a JNDI name for the SessionFactory

#hibernate.session_factory_name hibernate/session_factory

## Hibernate uses JNDI to bind a name to a SessionFactory and to look up the JTA UserTransaction;
## if hibernate.jndi.* are not specified, Hibernate will use the default InitialContext() which
## is the best approach in an application server

#file system
#hibernate.jndi.class com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory
#hibernate.jndi.url file:/

#hibernate.jndi.class com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory
#hibernate.jndi.url iiop://localhost:900/

Mapping documents:
Here is the parent base class mapping file: (BaseApplication)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<class name="dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication" table="Application">
<id name="applicationId" type="long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="native">
<discriminator column="discriminator"/>
<property name="createdOn" type="timestamp">
<column name="createdOn" sql-type="timestamp"/>
<property name="updatedOn" type="timestamp">
<column name="updatedOn" sql-type="timestamp"/>
<property name="createdBy"/>
<property name="updatedBy"/>
<property name="priority"/>
<property name="product"/>
<property name="status" />
<property name="lineOfBusiness" />
<property name="channel" />
<property name="transactionType" />
<property name="rqUID" unique="true" not-null="true" />
<property name="requestXML" type="com.hnc.util.hibernate.ElementType">
<column name="requestXML" sql-type="CLOB"/>
<property name="responseXML" type="com.hnc.util.hibernate.ElementType">
<column name="responseXML" sql-type="CLOB"/>

<property name="extDataReqCount" type="long"/>

<property name="extDataReqTimestamp" type="long" />

<array name="activityHistory" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="applicationId"/>
<index column="index"/>
<one-to-many class="dataobjectschemaconfig.ActivityHistory"/>
<array name="decisionHistory" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="applicationId"/>
<index column="index"/>
<one-to-many class="dataobjectschemaconfig.DecisionHistory"/>
<array name="dataHistory" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="applicationId"/>
<index column="index"/>
<one-to-many class="dataobjectschemaconfig.DataHistory"/>
<many-to-one name="currentDecision" class="dataobjectschemaconfig.DecisionHistory" />

<many-to-one name="currentActivity" class="dataobjectschemaconfig.ActivityHistory" />

To add non XDoclet property mappings, create a file named
containing the additional properties and place it in your merge dir.

Application extends BaseApplication. Here is Application's mapping file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<subclass name="dataobjectschemaconfig.Application" extends="dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication" discriminator-value="Application">
<!-- define a new property here >
<property name="newProperty"/>

Here is the child base class(BaseActivityHistory):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<class name="dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseActivityHistory" table="ActivityHistory">
<id name="activityHistoryId" type="long" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="native">
<discriminator column="discriminator"/>
<property name="activityName"/>
<property name="index"/>
<property name="ordinal" type="integer"/>
<property name="startTime" type="timestamp">
<column name="startTime" sql-type="timestamp"/>
<property name="finishTime" type="timestamp">
<column name="finishTime" sql-type="timestamp"/>

<many-to-one name="application" column="applicationId"/>

<array name="serviceHistory" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="activityHistoryId"/>
<index column="index"/>
<one-to-many class="dataobjectschemaconfig.ServiceHistory"/>
<array name="scoreHistory" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="activityHistoryId"/>
<index column="index"/>
<one-to-many class="dataobjectschemaconfig.ScoreHistory"/>

Here is the child class mapping file (ActivityHistory):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
<subclass name="dataobjectschemaconfig.ActivityHistory" extends="dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseActivityHistory" discriminator-value="ActivityHistory">
<!-- define a new property here >
<property name="newProperty"/>

Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
This is the method that gets called when we save the Application object.

public static void createDBDataObject(Object object, Configuration cfg) throws HibernateException {
Session session = null;
SessionFactory factory = null;
Transaction transaction = null;
try {

// create a hibernate factory, session and transaction
factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
session = factory.openSession();
transaction = session.beginTransaction();
// insert the object into table
// commit the transaction
catch (Exception ex) {
if (transaction != null) {
throw new HibernateException(ex);
finally {
if (session != null) {
// close the session
if (factory != null) {
// close the factory

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:

Name and version of the database you are using:
DB2 8.1

Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:
The following log is from the WebSphere log (these are not errors but WebSphere puts these in the error log file for some reason:)

[8/19/04 12:13:58:953 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -Hibernate 2.1 final
[8/19/04 12:13:58:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: {hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.cache.provider_class=net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider, hibernate.max_fetch_depth=1, hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect, hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary=true, hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=0, hibernate.query.substitutions=true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N', hibernate.proxool.pool_alias=pool1, hibernate.connection.datasource=DMI_DOD, hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update, hibernate.show_sql=true, hibernate.connection.pool_size=0}
[8/19/04 12:13:58:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -using java.io streams to persist binary types
[8/19/04 12:13:58:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -using CGLIB reflection optimizer
[8/19/04 12:13:58:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -JVM does not support LinkedHasMap, LinkedHashSet - ordered maps and sets disabled
[8/19/04 12:13:58:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Environment - -using workaround for JVM bug in java.sql.Timestamp
[8/19/04 12:13:58:984 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseActivityHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:13:59:406 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseActivityHistory -> ActivityHistory
[8/19/04 12:13:59:531 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseServiceHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:13:59:562 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseServiceHistory -> ServiceHistory
[8/19/04 12:13:59:578 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseReasonCode.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:00:406 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseReasonCode -> ReasonCode
[8/19/04 12:14:00:406 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseScoreHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:00:437 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseScoreHistory -> ScoreHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:00:437 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseDataHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:00:562 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseDataHistory -> DataHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:00:593 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseDecisionHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:00:812 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseDecisionHistory -> DecisionHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:00:812 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/BaseApplication.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:00:843 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping class: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication -> Application
[8/19/04 12:14:00:843 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/ActivityHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.ActivityHistory -> ActivityHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/ServiceHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:062 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.ServiceHistory -> ServiceHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:062 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/ReasonCode.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:078 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.ReasonCode -> ReasonCode
[8/19/04 12:14:01:078 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/ScoreHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:125 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.ScoreHistory -> ScoreHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:125 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/DataHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:140 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.DataHistory -> DataHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:140 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/DecisionHistory.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:171 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.DecisionHistory -> DecisionHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:171 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -Mapping resource: dataobjectschemaconfig/Application.hbm.xml
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping subclass: dataobjectschemaconfig.Application -> Application
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing one-to-many association mappings
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseActivityHistory.serviceHistory -> ServiceHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseActivityHistory.scoreHistory -> ScoreHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseScoreHistory.reasonCodes -> ReasonCode
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication.activityHistory -> ActivityHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication.decisionHistory -> DecisionHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Binder - -Mapping collection: dataobjectschemaconfig.BaseApplication.dataHistory -> DataHistory
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing one-to-one association property references
[8/19/04 12:14:01:203 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing foreign key constraints
[8/19/04 12:14:01:218 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Dialect - -Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
[8/19/04 12:14:01:218 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -Maximim outer join fetch depth: 1
[8/19/04 12:14:01:218 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -Use outer join fetching: true
[8/19/04 12:14:01:234 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] NamingHelper - -JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
[8/19/04 12:14:01:406 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] DatasourceConnectionProvider - -Using datasource: DMI_DOD
[8/19/04 12:14:01:421 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] TransactionManagerLookupFactory - -No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache is not recommended)
[8/19/04 12:14:05:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -Use scrollable result sets: true
[8/19/04 12:14:05:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -echoing all SQL to stdout
[8/19/04 12:14:05:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -Query language substitutions: {false=0, no='N', yes='Y', true=1}
[8/19/04 12:14:05:000 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SettingsFactory - -cache provider: net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
[8/19/04 12:14:05:015 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -instantiating and configuring caches
[8/19/04 12:14:05:265 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SessionFactoryImpl - -building session factory
[8/19/04 12:14:06:953 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SessionFactoryObjectFactory - -no JNDI name configured
[8/19/04 12:14:06:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Dialect - -Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
[8/19/04 12:14:06:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] NamingHelper - -JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
[8/19/04 12:14:06:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] DatasourceConnectionProvider - -Using datasource: DMI_DOD
[8/19/04 12:14:06:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SchemaUpdate - -Running hbm2ddl schema update
[8/19/04 12:14:06:968 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SchemaUpdate - -fetching database metadata
[8/19/04 12:14:07:015 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SchemaUpdate - -updating schema
[8/19/04 12:14:07:015 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing one-to-many association mappings
[8/19/04 12:14:07:015 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing one-to-one association property references
[8/19/04 12:14:07:015 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] Configuration - -processing foreign key constraints
[8/19/04 12:14:16:734 PDT] db76595 SystemErr R [INFO] SchemaUpdate - -schema update complete

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:02 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:02 pm
Posts: 3
I got this to work finally. Basically, I was doing this initially when it did not work:
1) created the Application object and set some fields on it
2) created the ActivityHistory object and set some fields on it
3) application.setActivityHistory(actHist);
4) then saved the session and what-not

But what I needed to do was (insert this step above):
2a) actHist.setApplication(application);


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