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 Post subject: How to do a SQL join Hibernate style
PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:03 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2004 8:40 pm
Posts: 30
Location: SF Bay Area
Suppose there are 2 tables ...

Table A :

a_id number,
a_val varchar

and Table B :

b_id number,
b_val varchar,
a_id number

Hibernate classes exist for tables A and B.

a_id is the primary key for table A
b_id is the primary key for table B
a_id is a foreign key in table B referencing table A.

We want to get the data from both tables
A and B which in normal SQL is :

select A.a_id,A.a_val,B.b_id,B.b_val from A,B where A.a_id=B.b_id

Question :

What is the best way to read and display the data
when the data does not needs to be persisted?

Method 1 : Create a List of B objects, iterate, and upon
each iteration create a A object. This works fine but is
inefficent if tables A or B are modified to include data
which doesn't have to be displayed.

Method 2 :

Ah ... Is there a Method 2 ?

Something like create a new class, class C, having
composite object members from classes A and B.

Assuming something like that works ... (it doesn't appear that
that can work becase createSQLQuery() must have a table alias

What would be the HSQL to fetch the data?

Any suggestions?



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:05 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:11 pm
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Would reading the documentation help with some of those questions?

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