With Hibernate-2.1 on WinXP & SapDB 7.5, I went through the 'Quickstart with Tomcat', but when I run my 'cat.jsp' I get:
cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Session
Using NetBeans IDE, I added a 'qstart' project.
I added the 'sapdb-7_5_0_5.jar' file to '/common/lib/'.
I added 'hibernate2.jar' - and the other required 3rd party libraries - to '/webapps/qstart/WEB-INF/lib/'.
I added the context node (resource declaration?) to '/conf/server.xml' (within the '<server>' node).
I added 'hibernate.cfg.xml' to '/WEB-INF/classes' (with the SAPDBDialect specified).
I added my 'First persistent class' (cat.class) and mapping (Cat.hbm.xml) to 'WEB-INF/classes'.
I created the 'Cat' table.
I added the 'HibernateUtil' helper class (sess.class) to '/WEB-INF/classes'.
I created 'cat.jsp' and added the session code for instantiating a new cat, and selecting the new cat.
My JSP imports "java.sql.*,java.util.*,java.text.*,java.io.*".
What did I do that's incorrect?
Does my JSP need to import other modules? Which?
What do I need to change or add to be able to insert and select records?
Bob V
_________________ Bob V