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 Post subject: Hibernate 2.1.4 & Informix 9.4 UC 2
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:57 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:51 am
Posts: 13

I d/l hibernate 2.14 source and ran the tests against informix, using the 2.2.1 JC5 driver that is compatible with the Dialect

* Informix9 dialect. This class is extends the Informix 7 dialect
* <br>
* Seems to work with Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.4,
* Informix JDBC driver version 2.21JC5.
* @author Finn McCann

When i run ant junitreport, the tests run and the report indicates that the success rate is 36.45%

Here is the Summary
Tests Failures Errors Success rate Time
107 0 68 36.45% 330.453

First was the FumTest: testCompositeIDCollections which said

could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906ac5b0002]

net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906ac5b0002]
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:479)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:442)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledInsertion.execute(ScheduledInsertion.java:29)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll(SessionImpl.java:2414)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.execute(SessionImpl.java:2367)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:2236)
at org.hibernate.test.FumTest.testCompositeIDCollections(FumTest.java:409)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at org.hibernate.test.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:82)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: A syntax error has occurred.
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:355)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.java:3086)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.java:3396)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg(IfxSqli.java:2259)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.java:2179)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executePrepare(IfxSqli.java:1082)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.executePrepare(IfxResultSet.java:182)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.setupExecutePrepare(IfxPreparedStatement.java:197)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.<init>(IfxPreparedStatement.java:175)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.prepareStatement(IfxSqliConnect.java:1907)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getPreparedStatement(BatcherImpl.java:249)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:61)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:56)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareBatchStatement(BatcherImpl.java:109)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:461)
... 21 more

This occurs several times, does any one have any ideas ?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:58 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:10 pm
Posts: 3246
Location: Passau, Germany
Enable SQL logging and check the generated SQL.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:01 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:51 am
Posts: 13
That was quick.

Already enabled SQL Logging (is this correct, inside src/hibernate.properties)
hibernate.show_sql true

And the logs are (Sorry for the huge post)

Testsuite: org.hibernate.test.FumTest
Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Time elapsed: 107.688 sec
------------- Standard Output ---------------
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=?, fum_sho_=?, fum_dat_=?, fummapindex=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: insert into stringmap (fum_str_, fum_sho_, fum_dat_, mapindex, mapelement) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_0_, this.short_ as short_0_, this.date_ as date_0_, this.vid as vid0_, this.fum as fum0_, this.TString as TString0_, this.fo_string as fo_string0_, this.fo_short as fo_short0_, this.fo_date as fo_date0_, this.short_ as short_0_, this.count_ as count_0_, stringmap1_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap1_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap1_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap1_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap1_.mapindex as mapindex__ from Fum this left outer join stringmap stringmap1_ on this.string_=stringmap1_.fum_str_ and this.short_=stringmap1_.fum_sho_ and this.date_=stringmap1_.fum_dat_ where this.fum in (?, ?)
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select fummap0_.string_ as string___, fummap0_.short_ as short___, fummap0_.date_ as date___, fummap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, fummap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, fummap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, fummap0_.fummapindex as fummapi19___, fummap0_.string_ as string_0_, fummap0_.short_ as short_0_, fummap0_.date_ as date_0_, fummap0_.vid as vid0_, fummap0_.fum as fum0_, fummap0_.TString as TString0_, fummap0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, fummap0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, fummap0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, fummap0_.short_ as short_0_, fummap0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum fummap0_ where fummap0_.fum_str_=? and fummap0_.fum_sho_=? and fummap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from stringmap where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.date_ as date_2_, this.vid as vid2_, this.fum as fum2_, this.TString as TString2_, this.fo_string as fo_string2_, this.fo_short as fo_short2_, this.fo_date as fo_date2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.count_ as count_2_, x0_.string_ as string_0_, x0_.short_ as short_0_, x0_.date_ as date_0_, x0_.vid as vid0_, x0_.fum as fum0_, x0_.TString as TString0_, x0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, x0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, x0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, x0_.short_ as short_0_, x0_.count_ as count_0_, x1_.string_ as string_1_, x1_.short_ as short_1_, x1_.date_ as date_1_, x1_.vid as vid1_, x1_.fum as fum1_, x1_.TString as TString1_, x1_.fo_string as fo_string1_, x1_.fo_short as fo_short1_, x1_.fo_date as fo_date1_, x1_.short_ as short_1_, x1_.count_ as count_1_ from Fum this inner join Fum x0_ on this.fo_string=x0_.string_ and this.fo_short=x0_.short_ and this.fo_date=x0_.date_ inner join Fum x1_ on this.string_=x1_.fr_string_ and this.short_=x1_.fr_short_ and this.date_=x1_.fr_date_ where this.fum like ? and x0_.fum is not null and x1_.fum like ?
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.date_ as date_2_, this.vid as vid2_, this.fum as fum2_, this.TString as TString2_, this.fo_string as fo_string2_, this.fo_short as fo_short2_, this.fo_date as fo_date2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.count_ as count_2_, fo.string_ as string_0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.date_ as date_0_, fo.vid as vid0_, fo.fum as fum0_, fo.TString as TString0_, fo.fo_string as fo_string0_, fo.fo_short as fo_short0_, fo.fo_date as fo_date0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.count_ as count_0_, fum.string_ as string_1_, fum.short_ as short_1_, fum.date_ as date_1_, fum.vid as vid1_, fum.fum as fum1_, fum.TString as TString1_, fum.fo_string as fo_string1_, fum.fo_short as fo_short1_, fum.fo_date as fo_date1_, fum.short_ as short_1_, fum.count_ as count_1_ from Fum this inner join Fum fo on this.fo_string=fo.string_ and this.fo_short=fo.short_ and this.fo_date=fo.date_ inner join Fum fum on this.string_=fum.fr_string_ and this.short_=fum.fr_short_ and this.date_=fum.fr_date_ where this.fum like ? and fo.fum is not null and fum.fum like ?
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.date_ as date_2_, this.vid as vid2_, this.fum as fum2_, this.TString as TString2_, this.fo_string as fo_string2_, this.fo_short as fo_short2_, this.fo_date as fo_date2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.count_ as count_2_, fo.string_ as string_0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.date_ as date_0_, fo.vid as vid0_, fo.fum as fum0_, fo.TString as TString0_, fo.fo_string as fo_string0_, fo.fo_short as fo_short0_, fo.fo_date as fo_date0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.count_ as count_0_, friends2_.string_ as string___, friends2_.short_ as short___, friends2_.date_ as date___, friends2_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends2_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends2_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends2_.string_ as string_1_, friends2_.short_ as short_1_, friends2_.date_ as date_1_, friends2_.vid as vid1_, friends2_.fum as fum1_, friends2_.TString as TString1_, friends2_.fo_string as fo_string1_, friends2_.fo_short as fo_short1_, friends2_.fo_date as fo_date1_, friends2_.short_ as short_1_, friends2_.count_ as count_1_ from Fum this inner join Fum fo on this.fo_string=fo.string_ and this.fo_short=fo.short_ and this.fo_date=fo.date_ left outer join Fum friends2_ on this.string_=friends2_.fr_string_ and this.short_=friends2_.fr_short_ and this.date_=friends2_.fr_date_ where this.fum like ? and fo.fum=?
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.date_ as date_2_, this.vid as vid2_, this.fum as fum2_, this.TString as TString2_, this.fo_string as fo_string2_, this.fo_short as fo_short2_, this.fo_date as fo_date2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.count_ as count_2_, fo.string_ as string_0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.date_ as date_0_, fo.vid as vid0_, fo.fum as fum0_, fo.TString as TString0_, fo.fo_string as fo_string0_, fo.fo_short as fo_short0_, fo.fo_date as fo_date0_, fo.short_ as short_0_, fo.count_ as count_0_, fr.string_ as string_1_, fr.short_ as short_1_, fr.date_ as date_1_, fr.vid as vid1_, fr.fum as fum1_, fr.TString as TString1_, fr.fo_string as fo_string1_, fr.fo_short as fo_short1_, fr.fo_date as fo_date1_, fr.short_ as short_1_, fr.count_ as count_1_ from Fum this inner join Fum fo on this.fo_string=fo.string_ and this.fo_short=fo.short_ and this.fo_date=fo.date_ inner join Fum fr on this.string_=fr.fr_string_ and this.short_=fr.fr_short_ and this.date_=fr.fr_date_ where this.fum like ? and (this.fo_string is not null or this.fo_short is not null or this.fo_date is not null) and fo.fum is not null and fr.fum like ? and fr.short_=this.short_
Hibernate: select this.string_ as string_2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.date_ as date_2_, this.vid as vid2_, this.fum as fum2_, this.TString as TString2_, this.fo_string as fo_string2_, this.fo_short as fo_short2_, this.fo_date as fo_date2_, this.short_ as short_2_, this.count_ as count_2_, x0_.string_ as string_0_, x0_.short_ as short_0_, x0_.date_ as date_0_, x0_.vid as vid0_, x0_.fum as fum0_, x0_.TString as TString0_, x0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, x0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, x0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, x0_.short_ as short_0_, x0_.count_ as count_0_, x1_.string_ as string_1_, x1_.short_ as short_1_, x1_.date_ as date_1_, x1_.vid as vid1_, x1_.fum as fum1_, x1_.TString as TString1_, x1_.fo_string as fo_string1_, x1_.fo_short as fo_short1_, x1_.fo_date as fo_date1_, x1_.short_ as short_1_, x1_.count_ as count_1_ from Fum this inner join Fum x0_ on this.fo_string=x0_.string_ and this.fo_short=x0_.short_ and this.fo_date=x0_.date_ inner join Fum x1_ on this.string_=x1_.fr_string_ and this.short_=x1_.fr_short_ and this.date_=x1_.fr_date_ where this.fum like ? and x0_.fum is not null and x1_.fum like ?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as x0_0_, fum.short_ as x0_1_, fum.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as x0_0_, fum.short_ as x0_1_, fum.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select string_, short_, date_, vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_ from Fum where string_ =? and short_ =? and date_ =? for update
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set vid=?, fo_string=?, fo_short=?, fo_date=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as string_, fum.short_ as short_, fum.date_ as date_, fum.vid as vid, fum.fum as fum, fum.TString as TString, fum.fo_string as fo_string, fum.fo_short as fo_short, fum.fo_date as fo_date, fum.short_ as short_, fum.count_ as count_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as string_, fum.short_ as short_, fum.date_ as date_, fum.vid as vid, fum.fum as fum, fum.TString as TString, fum.fo_string as fo_string, fum.fo_short as fo_short, fum.fo_date as fo_date, fum.short_ as short_, fum.count_ as count_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum='fee fi fo' )
Hibernate: update Fum set vid=?, fo_string=?, fo_short=?, fo_date=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as x0_0_, fum.short_ as x0_1_, fum.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: select fum0_.string_ as string_0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.date_ as date_0_, fum0_.vid as vid0_, fum0_.fum as fum0_, fum0_.TString as TString0_, fum0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, fum0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, fum0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.count_ as count_0_, stringmap1_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap1_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap1_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap1_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap1_.mapindex as mapindex__ from Fum fum0_ left outer join stringmap stringmap1_ on fum0_.string_=stringmap1_.fum_str_ and fum0_.short_=stringmap1_.fum_sho_ and fum0_.date_=stringmap1_.fum_dat_ where fum0_.string_=? and fum0_.short_=? and fum0_.date_=?
Hibernate: select fum0_.string_ as string_0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.date_ as date_0_, fum0_.vid as vid0_, fum0_.fum as fum0_, fum0_.TString as TString0_, fum0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, fum0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, fum0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.count_ as count_0_, stringmap1_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap1_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap1_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap1_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap1_.mapindex as mapindex__ from Fum fum0_ left outer join stringmap stringmap1_ on fum0_.string_=stringmap1_.fum_str_ and fum0_.short_=stringmap1_.fum_sho_ and fum0_.date_=stringmap1_.fum_dat_ where fum0_.string_=? and fum0_.short_=? and fum0_.date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fumm (locale, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fumm (locale, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select fumm0_.string_ as string_0_, fumm0_.short_ as short_0_, fumm0_.date_ as date_0_, fumm0_.locale as locale0_ from Fumm fumm0_ where fumm0_.string_=? and fumm0_.short_=? and fumm0_.date_=?
Hibernate: select fum0_.string_ as string_0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.date_ as date_0_, fum0_.vid as vid0_, fum0_.fum as fum0_, fum0_.TString as TString0_, fum0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, fum0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, fum0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, fum0_.short_ as short_0_, fum0_.count_ as count_0_, stringmap1_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap1_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap1_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap1_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap1_.mapindex as mapindex__ from Fum fum0_ left outer join stringmap stringmap1_ on fum0_.string_=stringmap1_.fum_str_ and fum0_.short_=stringmap1_.fum_sho_ and fum0_.date_=stringmap1_.fum_dat_ where fum0_.string_=? and fum0_.short_=? and fum0_.date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fumm where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=?, fr_short_=?, fr_date_=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as string_, fum.short_ as short_, fum.date_ as date_, fum.vid as vid, fum.fum as fum, fum.TString as TString, fum.fo_string as fo_string, fum.fo_short as fo_short, fum.fo_date as fo_date, fum.short_ as short_, fum.count_ as count_ from Fum fum where (fum.string_='fo' )
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as string_, fum.short_ as short_, fum.date_ as date_, fum.vid as vid, fum.fum as fum, fum.TString as TString, fum.fo_string as fo_string, fum.fo_short as fo_short, fum.fo_date as fo_date, fum.short_ as short_, fum.count_ as count_ from Fum fum where (fum.short_=? )
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as string_, fum.short_ as short_, fum.date_ as date_, fum.vid as vid, fum.fum as fum, fum.TString as TString, fum.fo_string as fo_string, fum.fo_short as fo_short, fum.fo_date as fo_date, fum.short_ as short_, fum.count_ as count_ from Fum fum where (fum.date_<=? )and(fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key__, quxarray0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, quxarray0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, quxarray0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, quxarray0_.i as i__, quxarray0_.qux_key as qux_key0_, quxarray0_.foo as foo0_, quxarray0_.deleted as deleted0_, quxarray0_.loaded as loaded0_, quxarray0_.stored as stored0_, quxarray0_.created as created0_, quxarray0_.childKey as childKey0_, quxarray0_.stuff as stuff0_, quxarray0_.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_0_ from quux quxarray0_ where quxarray0_.fum_str_=? and quxarray0_.fum_sho_=? and quxarray0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select stringmap0_.mapelement as mapelement__, stringmap0_.fum_str_ as fum_str___, stringmap0_.fum_sho_ as fum_sho___, stringmap0_.fum_dat_ as fum_dat___, stringmap0_.mapindex as mapindex__ from stringmap stringmap0_ where stringmap0_.fum_str_=? and stringmap0_.fum_sho_=? and stringmap0_.fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: select friends0_.string_ as string___, friends0_.short_ as short___, friends0_.date_ as date___, friends0_.fr_string_ as fr_string___, friends0_.fr_short_ as fr_short___, friends0_.fr_date_ as fr_date___, friends0_.string_ as string_0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.vid as vid0_, friends0_.fum as fum0_, friends0_.TString as TString0_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string0_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short0_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date0_, friends0_.short_ as short_0_, friends0_.count_ as count_0_ from Fum friends0_ where friends0_.fr_string_=? and friends0_.fr_short_=? and friends0_.fr_date_=?
Hibernate: select fum.short_ as x0_0_, fum.date_ as x1_0_, fum.string_ as x2_0_ from Fum fum
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as x0_0_, fum.short_ as x0_1_, fum.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum
Hibernate: select fum.fum as x0_0_, fum.string_ as x1_0_, fum.short_ as x1_1_, fum.date_ as x1_2_, fum.fum as x2_0_, fum.date_ as x3_0_ from Fum fum
Hibernate: select this.qux_key as qux_key, this.foo as foo, this.deleted as deleted, this.loaded as loaded, this.stored as stored, this.created as created, this.childKey as childKey, this.stuff as stuff, this.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_ from quux this where this.fum_str_ = ? and this.fum_sho_ = ? and this.fum_dat_ = ? and ((this.foo is null ))
Hibernate: select this.qux_key as qux_key, this.foo as foo, this.deleted as deleted, this.loaded as loaded, this.stored as stored, this.created as created, this.childKey as childKey, this.stuff as stuff, this.HOLDER_NAME as HOLDER_N9_ from quux this where this.fum_str_ = ? and this.fum_sho_ = ? and this.fum_dat_ = ? and ((this.foo=? ))
Hibernate: select this.qux_key as x0_0_ from quux this where this.fum_str_ = ? and this.fum_sho_ = ? and this.fum_dat_ = ? and ((this.foo=? ))
Hibernate: select fum.string_ as x0_0_, fum.short_ as x0_1_, fum.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum where (fum.fum<>'FRIEND' )
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fr_string_=null, fr_short_=null, fr_date_=null where fr_string_=? and fr_short_=? and fr_date_=?
Hibernate: update Fum set fum_str_=null, fum_sho_=null, fum_dat_=null, fummapindex=null where fum_str_=? and fum_sho_=? and fum_dat_=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: delete from Fum where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and vid=?
Hibernate: select fu.string_ as x0_0_, fu.short_ as x0_1_, fu.date_ as x0_2_, fo.string_ as x1_0_, fo.short_ as x1_1_, fo.date_ as x1_2_ from Fum fu, Fum fo where (fu.fo_string=fo.string_ )and(fo.fum is not null )
Hibernate: select fumm0_.string_ as string_0_, fumm0_.short_ as short_0_, fumm0_.date_ as date_0_, fum1_.string_ as string_1_, fum1_.short_ as short_1_, fum1_.date_ as date_1_, fumm0_.locale as locale0_, fum1_.vid as vid1_, fum1_.fum as fum1_, fum1_.TString as TString1_, fum1_.fo_string as fo_string1_, fum1_.fo_short as fo_short1_, fum1_.fo_date as fo_date1_, fum1_.short_ as short_1_, fum1_.count_ as count_1_ from Fumm fumm0_ inner join Fum fum1_ on fumm0_.string_=fum1_.string_ and fumm0_.short_=fum1_.short_ and fumm0_.date_=fum1_.date_
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into "the fees" (fi, fee, anotherFee, qux, count_, name, null_prop, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into "the fees" (fi, fee, anotherFee, qux, count_, name, null_prop, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into "the fees" (fi, fee, anotherFee, qux, count_, name, null_prop, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into "the fees" (fi, fee, anotherFee, qux, count_, name, null_prop, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into foes (version, serial_, buf, x, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into foes (version, serial_, buf, x, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update foes set version=?, serial_=?, buf=?, x=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
Hibernate: update foes set version=?, serial_=?, buf=?, x=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
Hibernate: select fo0_.string_ as string_0_, fo0_.short_ as short_0_, fo0_.date_ as date_0_, fo0_.version as version0_, fo0_.serial_ as serial_0_, fo0_.buf as buf0_, fo0_.x as x0_ from foes fo0_ where fo0_.string_=? and fo0_.short_=? and fo0_.date_=?
Hibernate: update foes set version=?, serial_=?, buf=?, x=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
Hibernate: select fo0_.string_ as string_0_, fo0_.short_ as short_0_, fo0_.date_ as date_0_, fo0_.version as version0_, fo0_.serial_ as serial_0_, fo0_.buf as buf0_, fo0_.x as x0_ from foes fo0_ where fo0_.string_=? and fo0_.short_=? and fo0_.date_=?
Hibernate: update foes set version=?, serial_=?, buf=?, x=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
Hibernate: select fo.string_ as x0_0_, fo.short_ as x0_1_, fo.date_ as x0_2_ from foes fo where (fo.string_ like 'an instance of fo' )
Hibernate: update foes set version=?, serial_=?, buf=?, x=? where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
Hibernate: delete from foes where string_=? and short_=? and date_=? and version=?
SQL Insert = insert into CID_IN (DUDU, BO_AKEY, BO_BKEY, BO_ONE, BO_TWO, BO_DET, AKEY, BKEY) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CID_IN (DUDU, BO_AKEY, BO_BKEY, BO_ONE, BO_TWO, BO_DET, AKEY, BKEY) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into CID_MID (BLA, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CID_MID (BLA, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into CID_OUT (BUBU, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CID_OUT (BUBU, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: select inner0_.AKEY as AKEY, inner0_.BKEY as BKEY, inner0_.DUDU as DUDU, inner0_.BO_AKEY as BO_AKEY, inner0_.BO_BKEY as BO_BKEY, inner0_.BO_ONE as BO_ONE, inner0_.BO_TWO as BO_TWO, inner0_.BO_DET as BO_DET from CID_IN inner0_
Hibernate: select middles0_.AKEY as AKEY__, middles0_.BKEY as BKEY__, middles0_.ONE as ONE__, middles0_.TWO as TWO__, middles0_.AKEY as AKEY0_, middles0_.BKEY as BKEY0_, middles0_.ONE as ONE0_, middles0_.TWO as TWO0_, middles0_.BLA as BLA0_ from CID_MID middles0_ where middles0_.AKEY=? and middles0_.BKEY=?
Hibernate: select inner0_.AKEY as AKEY0_, inner0_.BKEY as BKEY0_, middles1_.AKEY as AKEY1_, middles1_.BKEY as BKEY1_, middles1_.ONE as ONE1_, middles1_.TWO as TWO1_, inner0_.DUDU as DUDU0_, inner0_.BO_AKEY as BO_AKEY0_, inner0_.BO_BKEY as BO_BKEY0_, inner0_.BO_ONE as BO_ONE0_, inner0_.BO_TWO as BO_TWO0_, inner0_.BO_DET as BO_DET0_, middles1_.BLA as BLA1_ from CID_IN inner0_ inner join CID_MID middles1_ on inner0_.AKEY=middles1_.AKEY and inner0_.BKEY=middles1_.BKEY
Hibernate: select outer0_.AKEY as AKEY0_, outer0_.BKEY as BKEY0_, outer0_.ONE as ONE0_, outer0_.TWO as TWO0_, outer0_.ID as ID0_, outer0_.BUBU as BUBU0_ from CID_OUT outer0_ where outer0_.AKEY=? and outer0_.BKEY=? and outer0_.ONE=? and outer0_.TWO=? and outer0_.ID=?
Hibernate: delete from CID_OUT where AKEY=? and BKEY=? and ONE=? and TWO=? and ID=?
Hibernate: delete from CID_MID where AKEY=? and BKEY=? and ONE=? and TWO=?
SQL Insert = insert into CID_MID (BLA, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into CID_MID (BLA, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TWO) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into CID_OUT (BUBU, AKEY, BKEY, ONE, TW

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:03 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:51 am
Posts: 13
Opps sorry, the previous message was too long. From what i can gather, the sql is executed after it is batched, ie the exception is generated after session.flush is called

Hibernate: select fum1_.string_ as x0_0_, fum1_.short_ as x0_1_, fum1_.date_ as x0_2_ from Fum fum1, Fum friends0_, Fum fum1_ where fum1.string_=friends0_.fr_string_ and fum1.short_=friends0_.fr_short_ and fum1.date_=friends0_.fr_date_ and friends0_.string_=fum1_.string_ and friends0_.short_=fum1_.short_ and friends0_.date_=fum1_.date_
Hibernate: select fum1.string_ as string_0_, fum1.short_ as short_0_, fum1.date_ as date_0_, friends0_.string_ as string_1_, friends0_.short_ as short_1_, friends0_.date_ as date_1_, fum1.vid as vid0_, fum1.fum as fum0_, fum1.TString as TString0_, fum1.fo_string as fo_string0_, fum1.fo_short as fo_short0_, fum1.fo_date as fo_date0_, fum1.short_ as short_0_, fum1.count_ as count_0_, friends0_.vid as vid1_, friends0_.fum as fum1_, friends0_.TString as TString1_, friends0_.fo_string as fo_string1_, friends0_.fo_short as fo_short1_, friends0_.fo_date as fo_date1_, friends0_.short_ as short_1_, friends0_.count_ as count_1_ from Fum fum1, Fum friends0_ where fum1.string_=friends0_.fr_string_ and fum1.short_=friends0_.fr_short_ and fum1.date_=friends0_.fr_date_
SQL Insert = insert into Simple (name, address, count_, date_, pay, other, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Simple (name, address, count_, date_, pay, other, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
SQL Insert = insert into Simple (name, address, count_, date_, pay, other, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: update Simple set name=?, address=?, count_=?, date_=?, pay=?, other=? where id_=?
Hibernate: select simple0_.id_ as id_0_, simple0_.name as name0_, simple0_.address as address0_, simple0_.count_ as count_0_, simple0_.date_ as date_0_, simple0_.pay as pay0_, simple0_.other as other0_ from Simple simple0_ where simple0_.id_=?
Hibernate: select simple0_.id_ as id_0_, simple0_.name as name0_, simple0_.address as address0_, simple0_.count_ as count_0_, simple0_.date_ as date_0_, simple0_.pay as pay0_, simple0_.other as other0_ from Simple simple0_ where simple0_.id_=?
Hibernate: update Simple set name=?, address=?, count_=?, date_=?, pay=?, other=? where id_=?
Hibernate: select simple0_.id_ as id_0_, simple0_.name as name0_, simple0_.address as address0_, simple0_.count_ as count_0_, simple0_.date_ as date_0_, simple0_.pay as pay0_, simple0_.other as other0_ from Simple simple0_ where simple0_.id_=?
Hibernate: delete from Simple where id_=?
------------- ---------------- ---------------

Testcase: testCriteriaCollection took 24.172 sec
Testcase: testCriteria took 10.391 sec
Testcase: testListIdentifiers took 2.375 sec
Testcase: testCompositeID took 7.437 sec
Testcase: testCompositeIDOneToOne took 2.797 sec
Testcase: testCompositeIDQuery took 16.282 sec
Testcase: testCompositeIDCollections took 5.578 sec
Caused an ERROR
could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906ac5b0002]
net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906ac5b0002]
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:479)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:442)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledInsertion.execute(ScheduledInsertion.java:29)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll(SessionImpl.java:2414)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.execute(SessionImpl.java:2367)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:2236)
at org.hibernate.test.FumTest.testCompositeIDCollections(FumTest.java:409)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at org.hibernate.test.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:82)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: A syntax error has occurred.
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:355)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.java:3086)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.java:3396)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg(IfxSqli.java:2259)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.java:2179)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executePrepare(IfxSqli.java:1082)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.executePrepare(IfxResultSet.java:182)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.setupExecutePrepare(IfxPreparedStatement.java:197)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.<init>(IfxPreparedStatement.java:175)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.prepareStatement(IfxSqliConnect.java:1907)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getPreparedStatement(BatcherImpl.java:249)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:61)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:56)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareBatchStatement(BatcherImpl.java:109)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:461)
... 21 more

Testcase: testCompositeIDCollectionsTestcase: testDeleteOwner took 16.062 sec
Caused an ERROR
could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906f00b0007]
net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb905df00fdb906f00b0007]
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:479)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:442)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledInsertion.execute(ScheduledInsertion.java:29)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll(SessionImpl.java:2414)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.execute(SessionImpl.java:2367)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:2236)
at org.hibernate.test.FumTest.testDeleteOwner(FumTest.java:451)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at org.hibernate.test.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:82)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: A syntax error has occurred.
at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:355)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.java:3086)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.java:3396)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg(IfxSqli.java:2259)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.java:2179)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executePrepare(IfxSqli.java:1082)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.executePrepare(IfxResultSet.java:182)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.setupExecutePrepare(IfxPreparedStatement.java:197)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.<init>(IfxPreparedStatement.java:175)
at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.prepareStatement(IfxSqliConnect.java:1907)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getPreparedStatement(BatcherImpl.java:249)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:61)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:56)
at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareBatchStatement(BatcherImpl.java:109)
at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:461)
... 21 more

Testcase: testDeleteOwnerTestcase: testCompositeIDs took 14.735 sec
Testcase: testKeyManyToOne took 4.937 sec
Testcase: testCompositeKeyPathExpressions took 0.828 sec
Testcase: testUnflushedSessionSerialization took 1.563 sec

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:08 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:11 pm
Posts: 4592
Location: Switzerland
Sorry, but we won't debug that here. You will have to try yourself, your next step should be obvious: figure out what SQL is causing the problem. I'm also very sure that you didn't post the real exception, just the wrapper. There is a root cause that tells you what the database said.

Get the book, training, and consulting for your Hibernate team.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:11 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:51 am
Posts: 13
Ok fair enough, This is what i have

[junit] 18:00:04,656 DEBUG SQL:237 - insert into Fum (vid, fum, TString, fo_string, fo_short, fo_date, count_, string_, short_, date_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[junit] 18:00:04,671 DEBUG SQL:237 - insert into "the fees" (fi, fee, anotherFee, qux, count_, name, null_prop, id_) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
[junit] 18:00:04,687 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:38 - SQL Error: -201, SQLState: 42000
[junit] 18:00:04,687 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:46 - A syntax error has occurred.
[junit] 18:00:04,687 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:38 - SQL Error: -201, SQLState: 42000
[junit] 18:00:04,687 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:46 - A syntax error has occurred.
[junit] 18:00:04,687 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:38 - could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb9723800fdb97258910002]
[junit] java.sql.SQLException: A syntax error has occurred.
[junit] at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:355)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.java:3086)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.java:3396)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg(IfxSqli.java:2259)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.java:2179)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executePrepare(IfxSqli.java:1082)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.executePrepare(IfxResultSet.java:182)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.setupExecutePrepare(IfxPreparedStatement.java:197)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.<init>(IfxPreparedStatement.java:175)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.prepareStatement(IfxSqliConnect.java:1907)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getPreparedStatement(BatcherImpl.java:249)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:61)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:56)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareBatchStatement(BatcherImpl.java:109)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:461)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:442)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledInsertion.execute(ScheduledInsertion.java:29)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll(SessionImpl.java:2414)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.execute(SessionImpl.java:2367)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:2236)
[junit] at org.hibernate.test.FumTest.testCompositeIDCollections(FumTest.java:413)
[junit] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[junit] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154)
[junit] at org.hibernate.test.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:82)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
[junit] at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.run(JUnitTestRunner.java:325)
[junit] at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.main(JUnitTestRunner.java:536)
[junit] 18:00:04,796 ERROR SessionImpl:2375 - Could not synchronize database state with session
[junit] net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: could not insert: [org.hibernate.test.Fee#402888edfdb9723800fdb97258910002]
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:479)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:442)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.ScheduledInsertion.execute(ScheduledInsertion.java:29)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.executeAll(SessionImpl.java:2414)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.execute(SessionImpl.java:2367)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:2236)
[junit] at org.hibernate.test.FumTest.testCompositeIDCollections(FumTest.java:413)
[junit] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[junit] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154)
[junit] at org.hibernate.test.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:82)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
[junit] at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
[junit] at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.run(JUnitTestRunner.java:325)
[junit] at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.main(JUnitTestRunner.java:536)
[junit] Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: A syntax error has occurred.
[junit] at com.informix.util.IfxErrMsg.getSQLException(IfxErrMsg.java:355)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.java:3086)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.java:3396)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg(IfxSqli.java:2259)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.java:2179)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executePrepare(IfxSqli.java:1082)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxResultSet.executePrepare(IfxResultSet.java:182)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.setupExecutePrepare(IfxPreparedStatement.java:197)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxPreparedStatement.<init>(IfxPreparedStatement.java:175)
[junit] at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.prepareStatement(IfxSqliConnect.java:1907)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.getPreparedStatement(BatcherImpl.java:249)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:61)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareStatement(BatcherImpl.java:56)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.prepareBatchStatement(BatcherImpl.java:109)
[junit] at net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister.insert(EntityPersister.java:461)
[junit] ... 21 more
[junit] 18:00:06,531 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:20 - SQL Warning: 0, SQLState: 01I01
[junit] 18:00:06,531 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:28 - Database has transactions
[junit] 18:00:06,531 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:20 - SQL Warning: 0, SQLState: 01I04
[junit] 18:00:06,531 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:28 - Database selected

So if i step back: looking at the logs, i don't need to explicitly call/invoke bin/SchemaExport.bat, to create the database. The junit tests ie (target = junitreport) *should* create the schema to test against, is this right ?

thanks k

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:27 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
A huge misfeature of informix is that, by default, support for quoted identifiers is not enabled. There is a special JDBC connection property that enables quoted identifier support.

Damn, how smart am I that I know this?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:28 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:51 am
Posts: 13
Looking at the driver notes + googling etc , there is no mention of this 'special property', are you able to provide a reference to it pls

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