I have created a small app that is going against MySql 3.0.14. I am using iBatis to wrap Hibernate. Everything seems to be working fine from the unit test perspective (I see the keys incrementing in the output), but when I check the database to see if the records exist, they are not there.
The weird thing is that as soon as I alter the tables to
not be InnoDB, then the records are there! Contrary to everything I read you should use InnoDB for tx functionality in the DB. Any ideas why this could be happening?
Another important aspect is that my entry point is with SLSB's that are using Required attribute on each method. Here's the code that I am using to save:
protected Serializable save(Object obj) throws DaoException {
Session s = null;
try {
s = getSession();
Serializable rtn = s.save(obj);
return rtn;
} catch (HibernateException e) {
throw new DaoException(e);
} finally {