Hi all.
After days of unsuccesfull tring and ng readings, I eventually
have to ask fo help.
my application is stand alone, SWT/Jface based gui, spring then hibernate then the DB (mysql). No web, no tomcat or whatever. For the purposes of what follows no gui is even needed (console based fits). The object model was modeled using poseidon and classes , factories and hbm.xml files were built using AndroMDA. Object model counts 20 classes, 20 relationships
Everithing works well for the normal program use (users read items, change then save update, add relationships, ...)
The new task is to convert a legacy database (DBF files) to the db.
what I do is: in a business method (attributed as "transactionAttributeSource" and "PROPAGATION_REQUIRED" in the applicationContext.xml file)
I read 1000 item records from the DB, incarnate the item objects via
the andromda-generated ItemFactory, set the attributes for relationships
and the save the item object. other side of relationships are read via queries from the db, and cached in Hashmaps (just a detail)
After processing this way 1000 records, spring commits the transaction to the db and gets back control to my application; this business method is then called back again until all DBF records are processed (in a brand new transaction, in a brand new session).
Unfortunately, after processing as much as 20.000 items (all db is about 80.000), I got an "out of memory error" (java process gets about 85 megs memory)
I read in the ng that Hibernate does not fits for "massive update/delete"
but what I ask is to process just a bounch of items at a time (now 1000, but could be 100 or 10). Another fact I read in the ng that could raise the memory problem is "hold the db in memory": this does not applies to my case, since what I strive to do I to process n (1000) items at a time, no more, and then process other 1000, and so on.
I really do not know where I'm wrong.
Should I do it by direct sql coding? I hope not to do it, because I like hibernate because it avoids me to deal with uuid primary keys, low level relationships management, hand written (error prone) sql statements and so on.
Sorry for the long posting, but I'm stuck (and desperate). I know this topic is boring for the many top-notch programmers writing hibernate and applications but hope they can point me to what I'm wrong of show
me some piece of code tu study/adapt
Thanks in advance, best regards
Hibernate 2.1
Spring 1.0.2
eclipse 3.0m9
windows 2k
I can send *.hbm.xml files If needed (but the are trivial: all realtionships are cascade="none", outer-join="false", update="true", insert="true"; on the other side: lazy="true", inverse="false", cascade="none", sort="unsorted", i.e. default andromda generation style)
error is:
2004-07-01 01:52:23,421 INFO org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor - Invoking rollback for transaction on method 'importItemDBF' in class [item.ItemBusinessLogic] due to throwable [java.lang.OutOfMemoryError]