I was excited to find a document detailing integration of lucene with hibernate (
http://www.hibernate.org/138.html) as I was planning on using lucene in the near term. I am currently working on integrating the two, but came across a minor concern with the document.
The document's second solution, using interceptors (which looks to be the better of the two to me), suggests creating an interface called Searchable that exposes three methods: getIndexWriter(), getIndexReader(), and getDocument(). This interface is applied to your domain objects and the interceptor checks to see if the given entity is an instance of the Searchable interface. If so, it uses these helper methods to update an index.
So far, I have managed to keep my domain objects extremely simple. Basically, they contain state information and no more. They don't know about Hibernate and they don't know about Lucene. Now, introducing this interface causes the domain objects to become aware of Lucene (and the object's clients, unfortunately, as the interface exposes public methods).
Is this appropriate? Would it make more sense to store the Lucene related code in the DAO layer instead of in the domain objects themselves? This is more of a philosophical question versus a technical one, but I would be interested in hearing what others think or have done in their projects.