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 Post subject: OutOfMemory error
PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:49 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:40 pm
Posts: 1
I'm using jboss4, mysql, Hibernate2.1.2
I don't have any problem when calling ejb (stateless facade) from servlet or just standalone client. Everything is working good. But as soon as I'making call from jsp I'm getting an error: OutOfMemory error
Here is my error log (JBOSS) with regard to Hibernate:

16:42:19,910 INFO [Environment] Hibernate 2.1.2
16:42:19,910 INFO [Environment] loaded properties from resource hibernate.prope
rties: {hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, hibernate.cglib
.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.max_fetch_depth=3, hibernate.dialect=n
et.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect, hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary=true
, hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=0, hibernate.query.substitutions=true 1, false 0, ye
s 'Y', no 'N', hibernate.proxool.pool_alias=pool1, hibernate.connection.username
=root, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/store, hibernate.connecti
on.password=, hibernate.connection.pool_size=1}
16:42:19,950 INFO [Environment] using java.io streams to persist binary types
16:42:19,950 INFO [Environment] using CGLIB reflection optimizer
16:42:19,970 INFO [Configuration] configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml

16:42:19,981 INFO [Configuration] Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
16:42:20,051 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Address.hbm.xml
16:42:21,142 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Address ->
16:42:22,374 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Party.hbm.xml
16:42:22,704 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Party -> p
16:42:22,775 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Businessorder.hbm.x
16:42:24,187 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.BusinessOr
der -> businessorder
16:42:24,217 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Orderitem.hbm.xml
16:42:24,397 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Orderitem
-> orderitem
16:42:24,407 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Subscriber.hbm.xml
16:42:24,637 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Subscriber
-> subscriber
16:42:24,647 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Coupon.hbm.xml
16:42:24,968 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Coupon ->
16:42:24,978 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/PaymentSpec.hbm.xml

16:42:25,208 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.PaymentSpe
c -> paymentspec
16:42:25,248 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/CreditCard.hbm.xml
16:42:25,739 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.CreditCard
-> creditcard
16:42:25,749 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Invoice.hbm.xml
16:42:26,039 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Invoice ->
16:42:26,049 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/State.hbm.xml
16:42:26,480 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.State -> s
16:42:26,490 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/USAreaCodes.hbm.xml

16:42:26,951 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.USAreaCode
-> usareacodes
16:42:26,961 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/InternationalRate.h
16:42:27,071 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Internatio
nalRate -> internationalrate
16:42:28,172 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Countries.hbm.xml
16:42:28,272 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Country ->
16:42:28,282 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Shipment.hbm.xml
16:42:28,653 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Shipment -
> shipment
16:42:28,673 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ShippingSpec.hbm.xm
16:42:28,903 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ShippingSp
ec -> shippingspec
16:42:28,923 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ShippingProvider.hb
16:42:29,124 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ShippingPr
ovider -> shippingprovider
16:42:29,134 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Group.hbm.xml
16:42:29,234 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Group -> g
16:42:29,244 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/PartyAuthorization.
16:42:29,344 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.PartyAutho
rization -> partyauthorization
16:42:29,354 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Session.hbm.xml
16:42:29,464 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Session ->
16:42:29,474 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/SessionValue.hbm.xm
16:42:29,604 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.SessionVal
ue -> sessionvalue
16:42:29,614 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/TaxSpec.hbm.xml
16:42:29,715 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.TaxSpec ->
16:42:29,725 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.TaxSp
ec.taxtypes -> tax
16:42:29,725 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/TaxType.hbm.xml
16:42:30,195 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.TaxType ->
16:42:30,205 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.TaxTy
pe.taxspec -> tax
16:42:30,215 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Tax.hbm.xml
16:42:30,305 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Tax -> tax

16:42:30,315 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ProdSpec.hbm.xml
16:42:30,666 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ProdSpec -
> prodspec
16:42:30,676 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ProdS
pec.services -> prod_serv
16:42:30,686 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ServiceSpec.hbm.xml

16:42:32,478 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ServiceSpe
c -> servicespec
16:42:32,488 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Servi
ceSpec.resources -> serv_resource
16:42:32,499 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ResourceSpec.hbm.xm
16:42:33,009 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ResourceSp
ec -> resourcespec
16:42:33,019 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/FeePlan.hbm.xml
16:42:33,360 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.FeePlan ->
16:42:33,370 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/RateCenter.hbm.xml
16:42:33,700 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.RateCenter
-> ratecenter
16:42:33,710 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/RateCenters.hbm.xml

16:42:34,061 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.RateCenter
s -> ratecenter
16:42:34,071 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/CDR.hbm.xml
16:42:34,411 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.CDR -> cdr

16:42:34,421 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/PrepaidPlan.hbm.xml

16:42:34,511 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.PrepaidPla
n -> prepaidplan
16:42:34,521 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Collection.hbm.xml
16:42:34,862 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Collection
-> collection
16:42:34,872 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/Billing.hbm.xml
16:42:35,353 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Billing ->
16:42:35,363 INFO [Configuration] Mapping resource: mapping/ShoppingCart.hbm.xm
16:42:35,583 INFO [Binder] Mapping class: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.ShoppingCa
rt -> shoppingcart
16:42:35,593 INFO [Configuration] Configured SessionFactory: null
16:42:35,603 INFO [Configuration] processing one-to-many association mappings
16:42:35,603 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Party
.orders -> businessorder
16:42:35,613 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Party
.addresses -> address
16:42:35,623 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Party
.creditcards -> address
16:42:35,623 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Busin
essOrder.orderitems -> orderitem
16:42:35,633 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Busin
essOrder.shipments -> shipment
16:42:35,643 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Shipp
ingSpec.shipments -> shipment
16:42:35,643 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.Sessi
on.sessionvalues -> sessionvalue
16:42:35,663 INFO [Binder] Mapping collection: com._8x8.persistence.jbean.FeePl
an.ratecenter -> ratecenter
16:42:35,673 INFO [Configuration] processing one-to-one association property re
16:42:35,673 INFO [Configuration] processing foreign key constraints
16:42:36,895 INFO [Dialect] Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialec
16:42:36,905 INFO [SettingsFactory] Maximim outer join fetch depth: 3
16:42:36,905 INFO [SettingsFactory] Use outer join fetching: true
16:42:36,935 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Using Hibernate built-in co
nnection pool (not for production use!)
16:42:36,945 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] Hibernate connection pool s
ize: 1
16:42:36,965 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] using driver: com.mysql.jdb
c.Driver at URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/store
16:42:36,975 INFO [DriverManagerConnectionProvider] connection properties: {use
r=root, password=}
16:42:37,015 INFO [TransactionManagerLookupFactory] No TransactionManagerLookup
configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache is not re
16:42:38,277 INFO [SettingsFactory] Use scrollable result sets: true
16:42:38,277 INFO [SettingsFactory] Use JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): true
16:42:38,287 INFO [SettingsFactory] Optimize cache for minimal puts: false
16:42:38,287 INFO [SettingsFactory] echoing all SQL to stdout
16:42:38,297 INFO [SettingsFactory] Query language substitutions: {no='N', true
=1, yes='Y', false=0}
16:42:38,297 INFO [SettingsFactory] cache provider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Pr
16:42:38,327 INFO [Configuration] instantiating and configuring caches
16:42:40,370 INFO [SessionFactoryImpl] building session factory
16:43:00,238 INFO [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: com._8x8.p
ersistence.jbean.InternationalRate, OutOfMemoryError: null
16:43:04,555 INFO [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: com._8x8.p
ersistence.jbean.ShippingProvider, OutOfMemoryError: null
16:43:06,197 INFO [ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: com._8x8.p
ersistence.jbean.TaxSpec, OutOfMemoryError: null
16:43:07,869 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
16:43:07,889 ERROR [Engine] StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for ser
vlet jsp threw exception
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: JVTCOMSessionBean:getAllState: Unable to conf
igure a new SessionFactory

Rest of the error message is about tomcat container.
Please help me.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:01 am 
CGLIB Developer
CGLIB Developer

Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 1217
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Increase JVM heap size, I see CGLIb fails to generate code too. 256M must be OK to test JAVA web application.

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