Hi again,
I try to retrieve some objects, which contains a clob data field, via hibernate from my database. I an SQL Server 2000. I can fetch the data while the clob field is not filled, I can store data if I create some clob data first and store it on the database. But I can't get my stored data again if the clob field is set with data.
For me it seems the jdbc driver is not handling the clob data correct. What can I do?
Anyone got an awesome idea?
Thx in advance for your help...
INFO: no JNDI name configured
Hibernate: select scalegroup0_.IDSCALEGROUP as x0_0_ from T_SCALEGROUPS scalegroup0_
Hibernate: select scalegroup0_.IDSCALEGROUP as IDSCALEG1_0_, scalegroup0_.SCG_NAME as SCG_NAME0_, scalegroup0_.SCG_MEMO as SCG_MEMO0_, sc
group0_.SCG_TYPE as SCG_TYPE0_, scalegroup0_.CHANGEDAT as CHANGEDAT0_, scalegroup0_.CHANGEDBY as CHANGEDBY0_, scalegroup0_.CREATEDAT as C
TEDAT0_, scalegroup0_.CREATEDBY as CREATEDBY0_ from T_SCALEGROUPS scalegroup0_ where scalegroup0_.IDSCALEGROUP=?
15.06.2004 15:38:09 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
WARNUNG: SQL Error: 0, SQLState: HY000
15.06.2004 15:38:09 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
SCHWERWIEGEND: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unsupported data conversion.
15.06.2004 15:38:10 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
WARNUNG: SQL Error: 0, SQLState: HY000
15.06.2004 15:38:10 net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
SCHWERWIEGEND: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unsupported data conversion.
15.06.2004 15:38:10 net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException <init>
SCHWERWIEGEND: could not load: [com.hoellehuettner.persistence.ScaleGroup#4]
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unsupported data conversion.
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseData.unsupportedConversion(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseData.getClob(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.getClob(Unknown Source)
at com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseResultSet.getClob(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getClob(DelegatingResultSet.java:319)
at net.sf.hibernate.type.ClobType.get(ClobType.java:32)
at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:62)
at net.sf.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:53)