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 Post subject: Nested Object (Endless list)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:36 pm 

Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:21 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Des Moines IA
I am using version 2.1.1. I have been using Hibernate for about two months. This is not really a problem, just a question about the amount of data returned in a criteria query.

The mapping documents:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"

<hibernate-mapping package="com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate">
<class name="User" table="Agency.USER" dynamic-update="true" select-before-update="true">

<id name="userId" column="User_ID" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="identity" />


column="Active_ind" />
column="First_Name" />
column="Last_Name" />
column="Email_addr" />
column="User_Name" />
column="Email_Addr" />






<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"


class="identity" />

column="Active_ind" />
column="Password" />
column="Created_Tstamp" />
column="Created_User_ID" />



The code:

public static User GetUserByUserName(String findName) throws HibernateException {

List users = null;
User aUser = null;

try {
Session hibernateSession = HibernateUtils.currentSession();
Criteria criteria = hibernateSession.createCriteria(User.class);
criteria.add(Expression.eq("userName", findName.trim()));
users = (List) criteria.list();

if (users.size() != 0) {
aUser = (User) users.get(0);

} catch (HibernateException e) {
logger.fatal("HIBERNATE EXCEPTION: " + e);
throw e;

} finally {

return aUser;

The Console Log:
DEBUG GetUserByUserName.Start - 13:17:16,668 UserDAO:71
DEBUG opened session - 13:17:17,089 SessionImpl:528
DEBUG find by criteria: [net.sf.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl$CriterionEntry@602681d4] - 13:17:17,230 SessionImpl:3431
DEBUG flushing session - 13:17:17,293 SessionImpl:2193
DEBUG Flushing entities and processing referenced collections - 13:17:17,308 SessionImpl:2321
DEBUG Processing unreferenced collections - 13:17:17,339 SessionImpl:2664
DEBUG Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates - 13:17:17,371 SessionImpl:2678
DEBUG Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 0 objects - 13:17:17,386 SessionImpl:2217
DEBUG Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections - 13:17:17,433 SessionImpl:2222
DEBUG Dont need to execute flush - 13:17:17,464 SessionImpl:1745
DEBUG about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:17,527 BatcherImpl:192
DEBUG total checked-out connections: 0 - 13:17:17,558 DriverManagerConnectionProvider:78
DEBUG using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0 - 13:17:17,589 DriverManagerConnectionProvider:84
DEBUG select this.User_ID as User_ID5_, this.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_5_, this.Active_ind as Active_ind5_, this.First_Name as First_Name5_, this.Last_Name as Last_Name5_, this.Email_addr as Email_addr5_, this.User_Name as User_Name5_, this.Email_Addr as Email_Addr5_, this.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_5_, groupdetai1_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_0_, groupdetai1_.User_Id as User_Id0_, groupdetai1_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_0_, usergroup2_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_1_, usergroup2_.group_name as group_name1_, usergroup2_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_1_, useragency3_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_2_, useragency3_.User_Id as User_Id2_, useragency3_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id2_, agency4_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID3_, agency4_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_3_, agency4_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_3_, agency4_.Name as Name3_, agency4_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_3_, agency4_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_3_, agency4_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_3_, agency4_.Active_cd as Active_cd3_, agency4_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_3_, agency4_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_3_, nameaddres5_.NameAddress_Id as NameAddr1_4_, nameaddres5_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_4_, nameaddres5_.Name as Name4_, nameaddres5_.Addr_Line_1 as Addr_Lin4_4_, nameaddres5_.Addr_Line_2 as Addr_Lin5_4_, nameaddres5_.City as City4_, nameaddres5_.State_Province_cd as State_Pr7_4_, nameaddres5_.Postal_Delivery_Cd as Postal_D8_4_, nameaddres5_.Phone_Number as Phone_Nu9_4_, nameaddres5_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr4_, nameaddres5_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Up11_4_ from Agency.USER this left outer join Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai1_ on this.User_ID=groupdetai1_.User_Id left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup2_ on groupdetai1_.User_Group_ID=usergroup2_.User_Group_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency3_ on this.User_ID=useragency3_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency4_ on useragency3_.Agency_Id=agency4_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.NAMEADDRESS nameaddres5_ on agency4_.NameAddress_Id=nameaddres5_.NameAddress_Id where this.User_Name=? - 13:17:17,621 SQL:223
Hibernate: select this.User_ID as User_ID5_, this.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_5_, this.Active_ind as Active_ind5_, this.First_Name as First_Name5_, this.Last_Name as Last_Name5_, this.Email_addr as Email_addr5_, this.User_Name as User_Name5_, this.Email_Addr as Email_Addr5_, this.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_5_, groupdetai1_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_0_, groupdetai1_.User_Id as User_Id0_, groupdetai1_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_0_, usergroup2_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_1_, usergroup2_.group_name as group_name1_, usergroup2_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_1_, useragency3_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_2_, useragency3_.User_Id as User_Id2_, useragency3_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id2_, agency4_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID3_, agency4_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_3_, agency4_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_3_, agency4_.Name as Name3_, agency4_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_3_, agency4_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_3_, agency4_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_3_, agency4_.Active_cd as Active_cd3_, agency4_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_3_, agency4_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_3_, nameaddres5_.NameAddress_Id as NameAddr1_4_, nameaddres5_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_4_, nameaddres5_.Name as Name4_, nameaddres5_.Addr_Line_1 as Addr_Lin4_4_, nameaddres5_.Addr_Line_2 as Addr_Lin5_4_, nameaddres5_.City as City4_, nameaddres5_.State_Province_cd as State_Pr7_4_, nameaddres5_.Postal_Delivery_Cd as Postal_D8_4_, nameaddres5_.Phone_Number as Phone_Nu9_4_, nameaddres5_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr4_, nameaddres5_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Up11_4_ from Agency.USER this left outer join Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai1_ on this.User_ID=groupdetai1_.User_Id left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup2_ on groupdetai1_.User_Group_ID=usergroup2_.User_Group_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency3_ on this.User_ID=useragency3_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency4_ on useragency3_.Agency_Id=agency4_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.NAMEADDRESS nameaddres5_ on agency4_.NameAddress_Id=nameaddres5_.NameAddress_Id where this.User_Name=?
DEBUG preparing statement - 13:17:17,652 BatcherImpl:227
DEBUG binding 'john' to parameter: 1 - 13:17:17,871 StringType:46
DEBUG processing result set - 13:17:17,964 Loader:196
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Group_De1_0_ - 13:17:18,058 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: User_Gro1_1_ - 13:17:18,089 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Age1_2_ - 13:17:18,121 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_ID3_ - 13:17:18,152 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: NameAddr1_4_ - 13:17:18,183 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID5_ - 13:17:18,214 IntegerType:68
DEBUG result row: 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 - 13:17:18,246 Loader:404
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:18,277 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.GroupDetail#1 - 13:17:18,324 Loader:604
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Id0_ - 13:17:18,355 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: User_Gro3_0_ - 13:17:18,386 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 2 - 13:17:18,433 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2 - 13:17:18,464 Loader:604
DEBUG returning 'Agency Administrator ' as column: group_name1_ - 13:17:18,496 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '30' as column: Password3_1_ - 13:17:18,542 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:18,574 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserAgency#1 - 13:17:18,605 Loader:604
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Id2_ - 13:17:18,636 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_Id2_ - 13:17:18,667 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:18,699 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1 - 13:17:18,730 Loader:604
DEBUG returning '27 May 2004 11:00:00' as column: Last_Upd2_3_ - 13:17:18,839 TimestampType:68
DEBUG returning 'JTB' as column: Agency_A3_3_ - 13:17:18,886 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'Johns Test Agency ' as column: Name3_ - 13:17:18,917 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '90' as column: Days_To_5_3_ - 13:17:18,949 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning 'Y' as column: Save_Del6_3_ - 13:17:18,980 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Admin_Us7_3_ - 13:17:19,027 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning 'Y' as column: Active_cd3_ - 13:17:19,058 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Last_Upd9_3_ - 13:17:19,089 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: NameAdd10_3_ - 13:17:19,121 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Version: 2004-05-27 11:00:00.304 - 13:17:19,167 SessionImpl:1837
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:19,199 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1 - 13:17:19,230 Loader:604
DEBUG returning '16 June 2004 09:28:36' as column: Last_Upd2_4_ - 13:17:19,261 TimestampType:68
DEBUG returning 'John T Bush ' as column: Name4_ - 13:17:19,292 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '123 Anytown ' as column: Addr_Lin4_4_ - 13:17:19,339 StringType:68
DEBUG returning null as column: Addr_Lin5_4_ - 13:17:19,371 StringType:64
DEBUG returning 'Des Moines ' as column: City4_ - 13:17:19,402 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'IA' as column: State_Pr7_4_ - 13:17:19,433 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '50315 ' as column: Postal_D8_4_ - 13:17:19,480 StringType:68
DEBUG returning ' ' as column: Phone_Nu9_4_ - 13:17:19,511 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'none ' as column: Email_Addr4_ - 13:17:19,558 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Last_Up11_4_ - 13:17:19,589 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Version: 2004-06-16 09:28:36.273 - 13:17:19,636 SessionImpl:1837
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:19,667 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1 - 13:17:19,699 Loader:604
DEBUG returning '15 June 2004 09:04:26' as column: Last_Upd2_5_ - 13:17:19,730 TimestampType:68
DEBUG returning 'Y' as column: Active_ind5_ - 13:17:19,761 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'John ' as column: First_Name5_ - 13:17:19,808 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'Bush ' as column: Last_Name5_ - 13:17:19,839 StringType:68
DEBUG returning null as column: Email_addr5_ - 13:17:19,871 StringType:64
DEBUG returning 'john ' as column: User_Name5_ - 13:17:19,902 StringType:68
DEBUG returning null as column: Email_Addr5_ - 13:17:19,933 StringType:64
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Last_Upd9_5_ - 13:17:19,980 IntegerType:68
DEBUG Version: 2004-06-15 09:04:26.742 - 13:17:20,011 SessionImpl:1837
DEBUG done processing result set (1 rows) - 13:17:20,042 Loader:225
DEBUG done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:20,089 BatcherImpl:199
DEBUG closing statement - 13:17:20,121 BatcherImpl:240
DEBUG total objects hydrated: 6 - 13:17:20,167 Loader:238
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.GroupDetail#1] - 13:17:20,199 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:20,230 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:20,261 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:20,292 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2] - 13:17:20,339 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2] - 13:17:20,371 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2] - 13:17:20,402 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.GroupDetail#1] - 13:17:20,433 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2] - 13:17:20,464 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserGroup#2] - 13:17:20,496 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserAgency#1] - 13:17:20,511 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1] - 13:17:20,542 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1] - 13:17:20,574 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1] - 13:17:20,605 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserAgency#1] - 13:17:20,652 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1] - 13:17:20,667 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1] - 13:17:20,699 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1] - 13:17:20,730 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1] - 13:17:20,761 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Agency#1] - 13:17:20,808 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1] - 13:17:20,824 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.NameAddress#1] - 13:17:20,855 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:20,886 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG collection not cached - 13:17:20,933 SessionImpl:3746
DEBUG about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:21,011 BatcherImpl:192
DEBUG select groupdetai0_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_4_, groupdetai0_.User_Id as User_Id4_, groupdetai0_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_4_, user1_.User_ID as User_ID0_, user1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, user1_.Active_ind as Active_ind0_, user1_.First_Name as First_Name0_, user1_.Last_Name as Last_Name0_, user1_.Email_addr as Email_addr0_, user1_.User_Name as User_Name0_, user1_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr0_, user1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, useragency2_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_1_, useragency2_.User_Id as User_Id1_, useragency2_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id1_, agency3_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID2_, agency3_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_2_, agency3_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_2_, agency3_.Name as Name2_, agency3_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_2_, agency3_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_2_, agency3_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_2_, agency3_.Active_cd as Active_cd2_, agency3_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_2_, agency3_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_2_, usergroup4_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_3_, usergroup4_.group_name as group_name3_, usergroup4_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_3_ from Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai0_ left outer join Agency.USER user1_ on groupdetai0_.Group_Detail_ID=user1_.User_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency2_ on user1_.User_ID=useragency2_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency3_ on useragency2_.Agency_Id=agency3_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup4_ on groupdetai0_.User_Group_ID=usergroup4_.User_Group_ID where groupdetai0_.User_Id=? - 13:17:21,058 SQL:223
Hibernate: select groupdetai0_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_4_, groupdetai0_.User_Id as User_Id4_, groupdetai0_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_4_, user1_.User_ID as User_ID0_, user1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, user1_.Active_ind as Active_ind0_, user1_.First_Name as First_Name0_, user1_.Last_Name as Last_Name0_, user1_.Email_addr as Email_addr0_, user1_.User_Name as User_Name0_, user1_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr0_, user1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, useragency2_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_1_, useragency2_.User_Id as User_Id1_, useragency2_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id1_, agency3_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID2_, agency3_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_2_, agency3_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_2_, agency3_.Name as Name2_, agency3_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_2_, agency3_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_2_, agency3_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_2_, agency3_.Active_cd as Active_cd2_, agency3_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_2_, agency3_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_2_, usergroup4_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_3_, usergroup4_.group_name as group_name3_, usergroup4_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_3_ from Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai0_ left outer join Agency.USER user1_ on groupdetai0_.Group_Detail_ID=user1_.User_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency2_ on user1_.User_ID=useragency2_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency3_ on useragency2_.Agency_Id=agency3_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup4_ on groupdetai0_.User_Group_ID=usergroup4_.User_Group_ID where groupdetai0_.User_Id=?
DEBUG preparing statement - 13:17:21,105 BatcherImpl:227
DEBUG binding '1' to parameter: 1 - 13:17:21,136 IntegerType:46
DEBUG processing result set - 13:17:21,183 Loader:196
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID0_ - 13:17:21,230 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Age1_1_ - 13:17:21,261 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_ID2_ - 13:17:21,308 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: User_Gro1_3_ - 13:17:21,355 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Group_De1_4_ - 13:17:21,386 IntegerType:68
DEBUG result row: 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 - 13:17:21,433 Loader:404
DEBUG done processing result set (1 rows) - 13:17:21,480 Loader:225
DEBUG done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:21,511 BatcherImpl:199
DEBUG closing statement - 13:17:21,558 BatcherImpl:240
DEBUG total objects hydrated: 0 - 13:17:21,589 Loader:238
DEBUG about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:21,652 BatcherImpl:192
DEBUG select useragency0_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_2_, useragency0_.User_Id as User_Id2_, useragency0_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id2_, agency1_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID0_, agency1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, agency1_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_0_, agency1_.Name as Name0_, agency1_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_0_, agency1_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_0_, agency1_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_0_, agency1_.Active_cd as Active_cd0_, agency1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, agency1_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_0_, nameaddres2_.NameAddress_Id as NameAddr1_1_, nameaddres2_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_1_, nameaddres2_.Name as Name1_, nameaddres2_.Addr_Line_1 as Addr_Lin4_1_, nameaddres2_.Addr_Line_2 as Addr_Lin5_1_, nameaddres2_.City as City1_, nameaddres2_.State_Province_cd as State_Pr7_1_, nameaddres2_.Postal_Delivery_Cd as Postal_D8_1_, nameaddres2_.Phone_Number as Phone_Nu9_1_, nameaddres2_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr1_, nameaddres2_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Up11_1_ from Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency0_ left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency1_ on useragency0_.Agency_Id=agency1_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.NAMEADDRESS nameaddres2_ on agency1_.NameAddress_Id=nameaddres2_.NameAddress_Id where useragency0_.User_Id=? - 13:17:21,683 SQL:223
Hibernate: select useragency0_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_2_, useragency0_.User_Id as User_Id2_, useragency0_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id2_, agency1_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID0_, agency1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, agency1_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_0_, agency1_.Name as Name0_, agency1_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_0_, agency1_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_0_, agency1_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_0_, agency1_.Active_cd as Active_cd0_, agency1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, agency1_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_0_, nameaddres2_.NameAddress_Id as NameAddr1_1_, nameaddres2_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_1_, nameaddres2_.Name as Name1_, nameaddres2_.Addr_Line_1 as Addr_Lin4_1_, nameaddres2_.Addr_Line_2 as Addr_Lin5_1_, nameaddres2_.City as City1_, nameaddres2_.State_Province_cd as State_Pr7_1_, nameaddres2_.Postal_Delivery_Cd as Postal_D8_1_, nameaddres2_.Phone_Number as Phone_Nu9_1_, nameaddres2_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr1_, nameaddres2_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Up11_1_ from Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency0_ left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency1_ on useragency0_.Agency_Id=agency1_.Agency_ID left outer join Agency.NAMEADDRESS nameaddres2_ on agency1_.NameAddress_Id=nameaddres2_.NameAddress_Id where useragency0_.User_Id=?
DEBUG preparing statement - 13:17:21,730 BatcherImpl:227
DEBUG binding '1' to parameter: 1 - 13:17:21,777 IntegerType:46
DEBUG processing result set - 13:17:21,824 Loader:196
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_ID0_ - 13:17:21,871 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: NameAddr1_1_ - 13:17:21,902 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Age1_2_ - 13:17:21,949 IntegerType:68
DEBUG result row: 1, 1, 1 - 13:17:21,980 Loader:404
DEBUG done processing result set (1 rows) - 13:17:22,027 Loader:225
DEBUG done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:22,058 BatcherImpl:199
DEBUG closing statement - 13:17:22,105 BatcherImpl:240
DEBUG total objects hydrated: 0 - 13:17:22,152 Loader:238
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:22,183 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG initializing non-lazy collections - 13:17:22,214 SessionImpl:3000
DEBUG initializing collection [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User.passwords#1] - 13:17:22,246 SessionImpl:3132
DEBUG about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:22,277 BatcherImpl:192
DEBUG select passwords0_.Password_ID as Password1___, passwords0_.User_ID as User_ID__, user1_.User_ID as User_ID0_, user1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, user1_.Active_ind as Active_ind0_, user1_.First_Name as First_Name0_, user1_.Last_Name as Last_Name0_, user1_.Email_addr as Email_addr0_, user1_.User_Name as User_Name0_, user1_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr0_, user1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, groupdetai2_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_1_, groupdetai2_.User_Id as User_Id1_, groupdetai2_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_1_, usergroup3_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_2_, usergroup3_.group_name as group_name2_, usergroup3_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_2_, useragency4_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_3_, useragency4_.User_Id as User_Id3_, useragency4_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id3_, agency5_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID4_, agency5_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_4_, agency5_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_4_, agency5_.Name as Name4_, agency5_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_4_, agency5_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_4_, agency5_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_4_, agency5_.Active_cd as Active_cd4_, agency5_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_4_, agency5_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_4_, passwords0_.Password_ID as Password1_5_, passwords0_.Active_ind as Active_ind5_, passwords0_.Password as Password5_, passwords0_.Created_Tstamp as Created_4_5_, passwords0_.Created_User_ID as Created_5_5_, passwords0_.User_Id as User_Id5_ from Agency.PASSWORD passwords0_ left outer join Agency.USER user1_ on passwords0_.User_Id=user1_.User_ID left outer join Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai2_ on user1_.User_ID=groupdetai2_.User_Id left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup3_ on groupdetai2_.User_Group_ID=usergroup3_.User_Group_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency4_ on user1_.User_ID=useragency4_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency5_ on useragency4_.Agency_Id=agency5_.Agency_ID where passwords0_.User_ID=? - 13:17:22,308 SQL:223
Hibernate: select passwords0_.Password_ID as Password1___, passwords0_.User_ID as User_ID__, user1_.User_ID as User_ID0_, user1_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_0_, user1_.Active_ind as Active_ind0_, user1_.First_Name as First_Name0_, user1_.Last_Name as Last_Name0_, user1_.Email_addr as Email_addr0_, user1_.User_Name as User_Name0_, user1_.Email_Addr as Email_Addr0_, user1_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_0_, groupdetai2_.Group_Detail_ID as Group_De1_1_, groupdetai2_.User_Id as User_Id1_, groupdetai2_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro3_1_, usergroup3_.User_Group_ID as User_Gro1_2_, usergroup3_.group_name as group_name2_, usergroup3_.Password_Valid_Days as Password3_2_, useragency4_.User_Agency_ID as User_Age1_3_, useragency4_.User_Id as User_Id3_, useragency4_.Agency_Id as Agency_Id3_, agency5_.Agency_ID as Agency_ID4_, agency5_.Last_Updated_Tstamp as Last_Upd2_4_, agency5_.Agency_Abbr as Agency_A3_4_, agency5_.Name as Name4_, agency5_.Days_To_Save_Trans as Days_To_5_4_, agency5_.Save_Deleted_Trans as Save_Del6_4_, agency5_.Admin_User_id as Admin_Us7_4_, agency5_.Active_cd as Active_cd4_, agency5_.Last_Updated_User_ID as Last_Upd9_4_, agency5_.NameAddress_Id as NameAdd10_4_, passwords0_.Password_ID as Password1_5_, passwords0_.Active_ind as Active_ind5_, passwords0_.Password as Password5_, passwords0_.Created_Tstamp as Created_4_5_, passwords0_.Created_User_ID as Created_5_5_, passwords0_.User_Id as User_Id5_ from Agency.PASSWORD passwords0_ left outer join Agency.USER user1_ on passwords0_.User_Id=user1_.User_ID left outer join Agency.GROUP_DETAIL groupdetai2_ on user1_.User_ID=groupdetai2_.User_Id left outer join Agency.USER_GROUP usergroup3_ on groupdetai2_.User_Group_ID=usergroup3_.User_Group_ID left outer join Agency.USER_AGENCY useragency4_ on user1_.User_ID=useragency4_.User_Id left outer join Agency.AGENCY agency5_ on useragency4_.Agency_Id=agency5_.Agency_ID where passwords0_.User_ID=?
DEBUG preparing statement - 13:17:22,355 BatcherImpl:227
DEBUG binding '1' to parameter: 1 - 13:17:22,386 IntegerType:46
DEBUG result set contains (possibly empty) collection: [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User.passwords#1] - 13:17:22,433 Loader:326
DEBUG uninitialized collection: initializing - 13:17:22,480 SessionImpl:2902
DEBUG processing result set - 13:17:22,511 Loader:196
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID0_ - 13:17:22,558 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Group_De1_1_ - 13:17:22,589 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: User_Gro1_2_ - 13:17:22,621 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Age1_3_ - 13:17:22,667 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_ID4_ - 13:17:22,714 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: Password1_5_ - 13:17:22,761 IntegerType:68
DEBUG result row: 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 - 13:17:22,792 Loader:404
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 2 - 13:17:22,839 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2 - 13:17:22,871 Loader:604
DEBUG returning 'Y' as column: Active_ind5_ - 13:17:22,917 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'john ' as column: Password5_ - 13:17:22,949 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '25 May 2004 12:57:53' as column: Created_4_5_ - 13:17:22,996 TimestampType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Created_5_5_ - 13:17:23,042 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Id5_ - 13:17:23,089 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID__ - 13:17:23,136 IntegerType:68
DEBUG found row of collection: [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User.passwords#1] - 13:17:23,167 Loader:288
DEBUG reading row - 13:17:23,199 SessionImpl:2925
DEBUG returning '2' as column: Password1___ - 13:17:23,246 IntegerType:68
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2] - 13:17:23,277 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2] - 13:17:23,324 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2] - 13:17:23,371 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID0_ - 13:17:23,417 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Group_De1_1_ - 13:17:23,449 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '2' as column: User_Gro1_2_ - 13:17:23,496 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Age1_3_ - 13:17:23,527 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Agency_ID4_ - 13:17:23,574 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Password1_5_ - 13:17:23,605 IntegerType:68
DEBUG result row: 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 - 13:17:23,636 Loader:404
DEBUG Initializing object from ResultSet: 1 - 13:17:23,683 Loader:535
DEBUG Hydrating entity: com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1 - 13:17:23,714 Loader:604
DEBUG returning 'Y' as column: Active_ind5_ - 13:17:23,761 StringType:68
DEBUG returning 'John ' as column: Password5_ - 13:17:23,808 StringType:68
DEBUG returning '25 May 2004 09:24:00' as column: Created_4_5_ - 13:17:23,855 TimestampType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Created_5_5_ - 13:17:23,886 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_Id5_ - 13:17:23,949 IntegerType:68
DEBUG returning '1' as column: User_ID__ - 13:17:23,996 IntegerType:68
DEBUG found row of collection: [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User.passwords#1] - 13:17:24,027 Loader:288
DEBUG reading row - 13:17:24,074 SessionImpl:2925
DEBUG returning '1' as column: Password1___ - 13:17:24,105 IntegerType:68
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1] - 13:17:24,152 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1] - 13:17:24,199 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1] - 13:17:24,245 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done processing result set (2 rows) - 13:17:24,277 Loader:225
DEBUG done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets - 13:17:24,324 BatcherImpl:199
DEBUG closing statement - 13:17:24,355 BatcherImpl:240
DEBUG total objects hydrated: 2 - 13:17:24,402 Loader:238
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2] - 13:17:24,433 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,480 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,511 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,558 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#2] - 13:17:24,605 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG resolving associations for [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1] - 13:17:24,636 SessionImpl:2129
DEBUG loading [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,683 SessionImpl:1913
DEBUG attempting to resolve [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,714 SessionImpl:2010
DEBUG resolved object in session cache [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User#1] - 13:17:24,761 SessionImpl:2026
DEBUG done materializing entity [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password#1] - 13:17:24,808 SessionImpl:2153
DEBUG 1 collections were found in result set - 13:17:24,839 SessionImpl:2961
DEBUG collection fully initialized: [com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User.passwords#1] - 13:17:24,886 SessionImpl:2979
DEBUG 1 collections initialized - 13:17:24,917 SessionImpl:2982
DEBUG closing session - 13:17:24,964 SessionImpl:546
DEBUG disconnecting session - 13:17:24,980 SessionImpl:3187
DEBUG returning connection to pool, pool size: 1 - 13:17:25,011 DriverManagerConnectionProvider:114
DEBUG transaction completion - 13:17:25,042 SessionImpl:558

The results of aUser:
aUser= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User (id=41)
activeFlag= "Y"
emailAddress= null
firstName= "John "
groupDetail= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.GroupDetail (id=45)
lastName= "Bush "
lastUpdatedByUserId= java.lang.Integer (id=48)
lastUpdatedDateTime= java.sql.Timestamp (id=51)
middleInitial= null
passwords= net.sf.hibernate.collection.Set (id=54)
additions= null
collectionSnapshot= net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl$CollectionEntry (id=65)
directlyAccessible= false
initialized= true
session= net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl (id=68)
set= java.util.HashSet (id=72)
map= java.util.HashMap (id=75)
count= 2
entrySet= null
keySet= null
keySet= java.util.HashMap$1 (id=79)
loadFactor= 0.75
modCount= 2
table= java.util.HashMap$Entry[11] (id=81)
[0]= null
[1]= null
[2]= java.util.HashMap$Entry (id=83)
hash= 1023902167
key= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.Password (id=87)
activeFlag= "Y"
createdByUserId= java.lang.Integer (id=91)
createdDateTime= java.sql.Timestamp (id=92)
password= "john"
passwordId= java.lang.Integer (id=94)
user= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.User (id=41)
activeFlag= "Y"
emailAddress= null
firstName= "John "
groupDetail= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.GroupDetail (id=45)
lastName= "Bush "
lastUpdatedByUserId= java.lang.Integer (id=48)
lastUpdatedDateTime= java.sql.Timestamp (id=51)
middleInitial= null
passwords= net.sf.hibernate.collection.Set (id=54)
userAgency= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserAgency (id=61)
userId= java.lang.Integer (id=63)
userName= "john"
next= null
value= java.lang.Object (id=89)
[3]= null
[4]= null
[5]= java.util.HashMap$Entry (id=86)
[6]= null
[7]= null
[8]= null
[9]= null
[10]= null
threshold= 8
values= null
values= null
tempList= null
userAgency= com.cds.icp.agencydataentry.hibernate.UserAgency (id=61)
userId= java.lang.Integer (id=63)
userName= "john"

The question:
As you can hopefully see in the above results, cut from the Variables display of WSAD, after a breakpoint on the return statement. User object, aUser, contains a Set of Passwords, each Password object contains a User, which contains a Set of Passwords, each Password object contains a User, .......

I stopped, after expanding the list about 6 levels. This looks like an endless list. Is Hibernate really retrieving the data over and over again; or, is this just the way it is displayed?

Am I doing something wrong here? All I need is the User object and a single Set of Passwords.


 Post subject: time to be lazy...
PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:00 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:30 am
Posts: 8
Location: Europe
you should try to set your collection to lazy="true".
We're only using this approach and besides the better performance,
we never ran into this kind of problem.
Otherwise Hibernate will always try to initialize (and therefor query
the databse) each association when the parent is loaded.

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