I'm already have an WORKING jboss-hibernate-postgres application(ear). My friend developed it and sended to me so I could see it.
I installed jboss,hibernate,postgres, following the instructions on the docs but I cant make it work. jboss-postgres is OK because I can make connections and execute sql without using hibernate, but when I do I receive the ERROR when I ANT(to deploy it) the project, JBOSS says:
19:27:28,836 INFO [HibernateServiceMBean] Could not build SessionFactory using
the MBean classpath - will try again using client classpath: could not instantiate CacheProvider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider
(the application gives an execption when I invoke a new session)
Also I receive:
19:27:25,117 INFO [Environment] Hibernate 2.1.2
19:27:25,133 INFO [Environment] hibernate.properties not found
Correct me if I'm wrong but when you using jboss you dont need hibernate.properties do you, does anyone know whats missing?
Maybe i have to change something on jboss xmls, there are so many of them