Here are my constraints:
1. I cannot change the database schema (I wish I could)
2. I have the following class hiearchy
Item is a class Item.sku is a property of Item
Staple is a joined-subclass of Item Staple.description is a property of Staple
Pack is a joined-subclass of Item Pack.description is a property of Pack
Notice that because of the legacy schema ($#%!$), the description property is duplicated in each of the subclasses ($#%#$). Good-design would have moved this shared column to the baseclass-table, but I am stuck with this schema.
I want to retrieve all items that meet the following criteria:
staple.description LIKE ?
OR pack.description LIKE ?
I know I can get what I want in two queries
HQL 1: from Staple as staple where staple.description LIKE ? HQL 2: from Pack as pack where pack.description LIKE ?
But then I lose all the group by , ordering techniques if I plan on displaying the resulting <Item>Collection in a page. I'd have to do all this in my code - ick.
SOLUTION 2) -this does not exist
A Hibernate union could support this, but I know Hibernate unions are not supported (outside of a direct SQL call).
SOLUTION 3) Is there some way of mapping an "abstract" property of the base-class (Item) to a column in a declared subclass? E.g. is there a way that I can map Item.description to STAPLE.DESCRIPTION if it is a Staple, and to PACK.DESCRIPTION if it is a Pack?
If this is the case then my HQL query becomes easy:
HQL: from Item as item where item.description LIKE ?
SOLUTION 4) None of the above - something else?
SOLUTION 5) I lose. Give up on Hibernate.