I get a number of these messages:
17:04:05,046 INFO [ ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: com.User, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
17:04:05,203 INFO [ ReflectHelper] reflection optimizer disabled for: com.RoleImpl, BulkBeanException: tried to access method com.Role.setResponsibleParticipant(Lcom/Participant;)V from class com.RoleImpl$$BulkBeanByCGLIB$$fb9fadbb (property setResponsibleParticipant)
I have the feeling that this is due to the fact that:
a. The default no-arg constructor is protected.
b. The property setter is protected.
Am I correct?
I did not make the constructor and setters private, but I don't want them public. However "public"-shing the constructor solves the "Cannot find matching ..." message.
Is there a way to actualy use protected setters and constructors. I did not think this is fatal for CGLIB... Protected members are accessible from the child classes...
If you wander why I would have a protected setter/constructor, that is because I want a read-only property that is only set upon creation...
These problems DO NOT break Hibernate.
I can still correctly load/save objects.