I have a user object with properties stored in the userex table (first, last, user names, id). I also have a join table to the jobs table (a many-to-many user to jobs). The jobs table contains employer and city fields along with an id.
This is a basic many-to-many realtional database setup. I have mapped user to jobs successfully and queried and saved users.
<class name="HibernateExUser" table="userex">
<id name="userId" type="long" column="userid" unsaved-value="-1">
<generator class="identity" />
<property name="username" />
<property name="firstName" column="fname"> </property>
<property name="lastName" column="lname"> </property>
<set name="jobs" table="userjobs" lazy="true">
<key column="usernum"/>
<many-to-many column="jobid" class="HibernateExJob"/>
The job class knows nothing about a user, just its id, employer, and city fields:
<class name="HibernateExJob" table="jobs">
<id name="jobid" type="long" column="jobid" unsaved-value="-1">
<generator class="identity" />
<property name="employer" column="employer" />
<property name="city" />
If I want to write a query that will return me all the users who work for employer "XYZ", how would I do that with HQL? I have tried to do a join, but I am not sure what to join on. I either get too many results or an error. The basic SQL would be:
SELECT userex.all_fields
FROM userex JOIN userjobs JOIN jobs -- with appropriate ON clauses
WHERE jobs.employer = 'XYZ';
Is there a possible query using hibernate? Or to accomplish this, must a job object know the user that it comes from?