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 Post subject: [ANN] Pixory beta-3.9
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:07 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:34 am
Posts: 15
Pixory is a free personal online photo sharing server based on Hibernate.

The application can be found -> http://www.pixory.org


Pixory Beta.3.8 -> Pixory Beta.3.9 (3/21/04)
Fixed bugs:

* "Hidden" .album directories are now really hidden on Windows.
* Dowloaded Zip archives have non-ASCII characters in filenames replaced with ASCII characters. This fixes a bug where some Pixory generated zip archives cannot be unzipped if they contained non-English filenames.
* Attempting the intial configuration using a hostname other than results in hang/stack overflow.
* The top level "Sharing" tab describes some shares (with contacts) as "in effect", when in fact they are not. If an album is shared with certain contacts, but then has its sharing method changed to something other than "with listed contacts", the original shares will still show up in the "Sharing" panel. But this was a problem only with the *display* in the "Sharing" top level tab. The actual sharing that was in effect was the sharing method listed inside each particular album.

Other changes:

* WAN hostname now works differently. If you have configured a WAN hostname, all 'Viewer' URLs will incorporate the WAN hostname/mask WAN port settings for requests that appear to come from the WAN. This should better support the scenario where the request comes through an http proxy on the LAN.
* Pixory is now built on top of Tapestry 3.

Known issues:

* There is a bug in "Configuration->Advanced->Indexing->rebuild now" that causes shares with listed contacts to disappear. So this function is temporarily disabled until the bug is fixed.

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