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 Post subject: Getting and ssigning column ID value....
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:41 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:39 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Nottingham, England
I have 2 tables table1 and table2. Table1 has a primary key of tb1_id which acts as a foreign key in table2. In my maps, the ID for Table1 is sequenced and the ID for Table2 is assigned:


<id name="ID" column="artist_id" type="integer" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">artist_seq_id</param>

<id name="ID" column="artist_id" type="integer" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="assigned"/>

In my code I do the following:

Table1 tbl1 = new Table1();
Table2 tbl2 = new Table2();

... various tbl1 setters......

Now, what I want to do is assign the newly sequenced ID of Table1 to Table2. So I tried:



All that happens is Table1 has a sequenced ID and Table2 has an ID value of 0. How do I resolve this?

many thanks in advance

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:54 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:10 pm
Posts: 3246
Location: Passau, Germany
Take a look at the "foreign" generator.

 Post subject: Michael...
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:55 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:39 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Nottingham, England
I have ammended both my maps but no records are being written to the respective tables. My maps are:


<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="Artist" table="artisttbl">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id" type="integer" unsaved-value="0">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">artist_seq_id</param>
<property name="ArtistName" column="artist_name" type="string" not-null="true"/>
<property name="ArtistInfo" column="artist_info" type="string" not-null="true"/>
<property name="TrackLocation" column="track_location" type="string"/>
<property name="TrackInfo" column="track_info" type="string"/>

<one-to-one name="artistimages" class="ArtistImages"/>


<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="ArtistImages" table="artistimagestbl">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id">
<generator class="foreign">
<param name="property">artist</param>
<property name="ArtistPhoto1" column="artist_photo1" type="binary"/>
<property name="ArtistPhoto2" column="artist_photo2" type="binary"/>
<property name="ArtistPhoto3" column="artist_photo3" type="binary"/>

<one-to-one name="artist" class="Artist" constrained="true"/>

My code is:

Artist artist = new Artist();
ArtistImages newArt = new ArtistImages();

... setters for artist.....
...setters for artistimages


What am I missing?

 Post subject: All...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:21 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:39 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Nottingham, England
has been resolved now. Thanks for your help.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 2:46 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:10 pm
Posts: 3246
Location: Passau, Germany
Would be nice if you could probably post how ...

 Post subject: Michael...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:39 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Nottingham, England
The problem was an oversight on my behalf. The problem was in the one-to-one declaration in the Artist map (parent) to ArtistImages map (child). Instead of declaring the name as name="ArtistImages" I declared it as name="artistimages". Also, the addition of cascade="delete" helped as well! DUH!! The maps now read as :

Artist Map:Parent

<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="Artist" table="artisttbl">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">artist_seq_id</param>
<one-to-one name="ArtistImages" class="ArtistImages" cascade="delete"/>

ArtistImages Map:Child

<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="ArtistImages" table="artistimagestbl">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id">
<generator class="foreign">
<param name="property">Artist</param>
<one-to-one name="Artist" class="Artist" constrained="true" cascade="delete"/>

So to delete an associated record in both Artist and ArtistImages tables I do:

artist.deleteArtist(artist_id) or

Question? how do I define the Artist (parent) map as being lazy, in this instance, so that when i load an artist it does not load the child record until I physically request it? I have a static method, getArtist(), which I call in my code as:

Artist artist = Artist.getArtist(artist_id);


 Post subject: Ok...
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:09 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:39 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Nottingham, England
in an attempt to make my Artist (parent) map lazy, I amended it so that it reads as:

<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="Artist" table="artisttbl" proxy="Artist">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">artist_seq_id</param>
<property name="ArtistName" column="artist_name" type="string" not-null="true"/>
<property name="ArtistInfo" column="artist_info" type="string" not-null="true"/>
<property name="TrackLocation" column="track_location" type="string"/>
<property name="TrackInfo" column="track_info" type="string"/>
<one-to-one name="ArtistImages" constrained="true" outer-join="false" class="ArtistImages" cascade="delete"/>

my ArtistImages (child) map reads as:

<hibernate-mapping package="test">
<class name="ArtistImages" table="artistimagestbl">
<id name="ID" column="artist_id">
<generator class="foreign">
<param name="property">Artist</param>
<property name="ArtistPhoto1" column="artist_photo1" type="binary"/>
<property name="ArtistPhoto2" column="artist_photo2" type="binary"/>
<property name="ArtistPhoto3" column="artist_photo3" type="binary"/>
<one-to-one name="Artist" class="Artist" constrained="true" cascade="delete"/>

I then tried to save a new artist record using the following code:
Artist artist = new Artist();
ArtistImages newArt = new ArtistImages();


newArt.setArtistPhoto1(graph.readImage("1.jpg")); newArt.setArtistPhoto2(graph.readImage("2.jpg"));


Now I get an error which says:
Exception in Hibernate:: not-null property references a null or transient value: test.Artist.ArtistImages

Where am I going wrong?


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