Sorry if this is posted somewhere on the forum. I searched for 2 days and have found a lot of posts on the topic, but I feel some of it is outdated.
I was wondering as per the newest 'production' release of Hibernate what is 'A' suggested architecture for a production level j2ee application.
I saw some posts about using Session Beans, HibernateSession w/ThreadLocal, HibernatePlugin for Struts, and 'Open Session in View' Filter for Persistent class... which now has my brain running in circles. :-( The 'architectures' page ( has a lot of older and out dated stuff on it. Would be nice to do a neat little 'suggested architectures' page; Gavin!! :)
I 'think' I have an idea what to do but I wanted to get some feedback.
A little background:
We are creating a Websphere 5.02 Portal Application using WSAD5.1 and the new Struts;for portal; websphere hack; along with Hibernate - of course. We will also have a Web Services/xml integration component that mimics our UI somewhat.
After reading everthing here is what I came up with; please comment!! I am VERY open to suggestions; but have to finalize this VERY soon.
Generating POJOs from MS SQL Server database.
Each will extend 'Persistent' which implements Lifecycle, Validatable, Serializable. The 'Persistent' base class will also utilize the 'HibernateSession' (threadlocal pattern - using JNDI lookup) when accessing 'session'.
We are using Stateless Session Beans for Transaction management and configuring similar to:
We are using DAO pattern for getting lists of objects, find by ID and other similarly complicated types of queries.
A few more notes:
Planning on using a HibernatePlugin (struts) to initalize the JNDI reference to our Hibernate SessionFactory. As well, we will have our HibernateSession lazily do the same thing. The struts plugin will initalize the JNDI session factory at project start, otherwise the first call to the HibernateSession factory will take care of it. (important in the case of Web Services integration since Struts will be applicable.)
We will override each of the methods in 'Persistent' class dealing with 'session' to have 2 forms.
i) taking a Session as parameter (in case we want to share one we already have)
ii) using the Thread local version that already exists (or getting from JNDI as necessary)
Our session beans will utilize the HibernateSession (threadlocal) pattern as well. (HibernateSession; or a subclass); will be the only way to get a hiberate session factory.) We will be initalizing a transient HibernateSession variable in the Stateless SB at ejbCreate.
Couldn't find clear instructions on Session Bean / DAO best practices. So I hope this comes close.
I noticed a post at: where they talk about Struts and session per view. I was unsure if this was a 'better' way to approach this. I've decided against it so far.
Please comment :)