Yes, it's really everything I do, cause I was able to reproduce it with the few lines I posted. I was sure to solve it after I isolated, but really, it's from friday that I go mad.
Anyway, with threshold sets to "INFO", I can see ONLY these lines of log. As you can see, the first time all goes well, but from the second iteration, Hibernate start to delete the previously insterted element, and so on.....
2004-02-23 17:45:19,322 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
2004-02-23 17:45:19,542 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into genericparam (nome, descrizione, dataInizioValidita, dataFineValidita, codice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:19,542 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into CondizioneBase (tipo, base, nomeCondizione, genericParam) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:19,552 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into CondizioneStringa (valStringa, genericParam) values (?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:19,592 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into prodottoBase2CondizioneBase (base, condizioneBase) values (?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:23,538 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
2004-02-23 17:45:23,608 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into genericparam (nome, descrizione, dataInizioValidita, dataFineValidita, codice) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:23,618 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into CondizioneBase (tipo, base, nomeCondizione, genericParam) values (?, ?, ?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:23,618 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into CondizioneStringa (valStringa, genericParam) values (?, ?)
2004-02-23 17:45:23,638 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: delete from prodottoBase2CondizioneBase where base=? and condizioneBase=?
2004-02-23 17:45:23,648 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: insert into prodottoBase2CondizioneBase (base, condizioneBase) values (?, ?)