I've been getting these lately. I'm not sure when they started, or why, but I can't seem to get rid of them. They do seem to interfere with my debugger (breakpoints in only those classes result in an error dialog box).
Is there some way to get more logging information so I can find the root cause?
15:12:08,750 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: StateBase, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
15:12:08,890 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: BankAccount, BulkBeanException: Cannot find specified property (property setSource)
15:12:09,281 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: Envelope, VerifyError: (class: Envelope$$BulkBeanByCGLIB$$fe97d13f, method: setPropertyValues signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V) Expecting to find array of objects or arrays on stack