Yes, I agree those schemaExport errors can be safely ignored, but there is more in the log. I really don't know if it's OK to dump the entire log in here, so I'm taking pieces out of it...
First I deleted the,, test.script (hsqldb files) and then ran it again...
After a log of schemaExport debug messages this comes out:
[java] 17:20:36,991 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - create table AuctionItem (
[java] description VARCHAR(255),
[java] ends TIMESTAMP,
[java] condition INTEGER,
[java] seller BIGINT not null,
[java] successfulBid BIGINT
[java] )
[java] 17:20:37,001 ERROR SchemaExport:154 - Unsuccessful: create table AuctionItem (id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY, description VARCHAR(255), ends TIMESTAMP, condition INTEGER, seller BIGINT not null, successfulBid BIGINT)
[java] 17:20:37,003 ERROR SchemaExport:155 - Wrong data type: ID in statement [create table AuctionItem (id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY, description VARCHAR(255), ends TIMESTAMP, condition INTEGER, seller BIGINT not null, successfulBid BIGINT)]
[java] 17:20:37,003 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - create table AuctionUser (id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY, userName VARCHAR(255) not null, "password" VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255), firstName VARCHAR(255), "initial" CHAR(1), lastName VARCHAR(255))
[java] 17:20:37,004 ERROR SchemaExport:154 - Unsuccessful: create table AuctionUser (id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY, userName VARCHAR(255) not null, "password" VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255), firstName VARCHAR(255), "initial" CHAR(1), lastName VARCHAR(255))
[java] 17:20:37,004 ERROR SchemaExport:155 - Wrong data type: ID in statement [create table AuctionUser (id BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY, userName VARCHAR(255) not null, "password" VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255), firstName VARCHAR(255), "initial" CHAR(1), lastName VARCHAR(255))]
Does this mean that hsqldb does not support BIGINT as a datatype, or am I still doing something wrong?