I've for the following HSQL
from Instance as i
where i.content.documentType.description = ? and elements(i.content.keywords) in ( 'glen', 'stampoultzis' )
which hibernate is translating to the following SQL Server 2000 query:
select instance0_.InstanceId as InstanceId, instance0_.MajorRevisionNumber as MajorRev2_, instance0_.MinorRevisionNumber as MinorRev3_, instance0_.InstanceCreateDateTime as Instance4_, instance0_.User1 as User1, instance0_.User2 as User2, instance0_.User3 as User3, instance0_.User4 as User4, instance0_.User5 as User5, instance0_.Barcode as Barcode, instance0_.Comment as Comment, instance0_.ModifiedByUserId as Modifie12_, instance0_.ContentId as ContentId
from SVD_INSTANCE instance0_, SVD_SEAVIEWCONTENT content1_, SVD_DOCUMENTTYPE documentty2_
where (documentty2_.Description=? and instance0_.ContentId=content1_.ContentId and content1_.DocumentTypeExtention=documentty2_.DocumentTypeExtention)and((select keywords3_.keyword from SVD_KEYWORD keywords3_ where content1_.ContentId=keywords3_.InstanceId)in('glen' , 'stampoultzis') and instance0_.ContentId=content1_.ContentId)
This is invalid SQL for SQL server and produces the following error:
[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Is this a problem in my HQL or a bug in hibernate?