Hi All,
Just i need a solution how to pass data directly from hibernate to my Value object
or Transfer Object , currently iam using it following way
ArrayList labIdAL=new ArrayList(); ArrayList labDescAL=new ArrayList(); query = session.createQuery(matQry); result = query.list(); for(int n=0;n < result.size(); n++){ GlbUsrLabMsttb lab = (GlbUsrLabMsttb)result.get(n); labIdAL.add(lab.getUlbLabid()); labDescAL.add(lab.getLabdesc()); } boMaterial.setLabIdAL(labIdAL); boMaterial.setLabDescAL(labDescAL);
I just want to map the row with my value object ArrayList
Is there a way ?
Kind help needed