Pixory is a personal online photo sharing server based on Hibernate.
The application can be found ->
Pixory Beta.3.3 -> Pixory Beta.3.4 (12/26/03)
Fixed bugs:
* In previous releases, each time an error condition was encountered durin image processing, an error message would be generated in the log file. The same error on the same image file would generate a new error message each time it was reencountered. Consequently, log files could quickly grow very large, as the background thumbnailer would continuously produce log messages if there were any problems with image processing. In this release, Pixory will log an error message the first time an error is encountered on a particular image file, but will not log an error message on any subsequent encounters. So log files now tend to be roughly stable over time.
Other changes:
* Packaging of the "Web Application" distribution has been greatly simplified. In previous releases, the "Web Application" for Servlet based app servers was partitioned into a .war (web archive), and a bunch of jar files. The .war was deployed into the app server with other web applications, and the jar files needed to be installed into the shared lib directory of the app server. In this release, the "Web Application" distribution is packaged as a single .war that contains everything needed to run Pixory. This single .war can be hot- or cold-deployed on the app server without the need to fiddle around with any external jars. This has been tested with JBoss-3.2.3 and Jakarta Tomcat-5.0.16.