I have some problem while running this Project,
I can run it well when I use Castor-XML
plug-in . However, when I follow the readme to replacing the Castor-XML
plug-in with the hibernate plug-in. I got the following error message.
"HTTP Status 503 - Servlet action is currently unavailable"
Could anyone can teach me how to solve my problems?
I download it from
struts-polls README
To achieve this simple deploy-and-run application, the out-of-the-box configuration
uses a file system I/O, XML-based persistence layer. If you wish to use any relational
database you must edit the < struts-config.xml > file, replacing the Castor-XML
plug-in with the hibernate plug-in as shown below:
<plug-in className="org.sf.polls.storage.HibernatePlugIn">
<set-property property="implementation" value="org.sf.polls.storage.HibernateDAOImpl"/>
You will then be using Hibernate 2.X.X in your persistence layer. To configure
Hibernate to the details of your database see the FAQ at the bottom of this page.
Features in 2.4.2
- Added navigation history to language change action.
- Added i18n support for Chinese, courtesy of Hua-yu Li, Samuel Gan, and Jiefei Ma
- Integrated user management and authentication component.
- Improved user interface.
- Added more statistic services such as Totals by Chart Type, Totals by Locale,
Totals per Option, and Totals per Answer Type.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed i18n support for Italian messages.
- Performance, optimizations, test-suites, test-cases, automated tests, tuning
Quick-Start FAQ
1) XML for persistence? Get out of here, dude! What about Hibernate?
- 3 Easy steps.
First, you need to create your database tables. If you are using MySQL like myself,
you can find a script under the folder < /databases > in the < polls.war >
Second, edit Hibernate's properties file to match your system configuration.
You can find the file < hibernate.properties > under the < /WEB-INF/classes >
Third, you need to select the Hibernate DAO implementation on the < plug-ins >
section at the bottom of the < struts-config.xml > file.
You can provide your own or use my implementation as shown at the top of the
And that's all you need to say hello to XXI century java persistence with Hibernate!
Note that by using Hibernate you can use most known databases provided you
have the right JDBC driver and the correct configuration set.
2) Ok, I've got this working on my server, but how can I see the goodies on
my own pages, on my own web-applications?
- You can either 1) include the desired .jsp file on your target pages or 2) include
the servlet URL where you want the poll to be seen. Provided you have
all the required JAR files in your classpath (an easy test is to check that all
administration operations work), simply include the file
< /views/pages/pollForm.jsp >
for 1) or include a pointer to the URL
http://your_url/pod >
for 2) where you want it to be seen in your pages.
If you want to change the layout, colors and stuff, play around with the CSS.
Also, remember you can change the source code at will!
Hopefully, you'll get a good grasp of how things were done and will be contributing
and adding features soon!
===+=== created by jorge de castro - jorge (at) bcs (dot) org (dot) uk - ===+===