This is our statement on Hibernate v JDO.
Ask your friends:
If an open source project has an absolutely dominant "market share", and is the only solution supported by a major J2EE vendor, how is it not the standard? Struts is the standard web application framework for Java. log4j is the standard logging framework for Java. Hibernate is the standard ORM solution. Yes, there is JSF, JDK logging, JDO - but no-one uses that stuff, so they are not the real standards, are they?
Don't confuse the word "standard" with "Sun standard". I prefer
de facto standards. ie. standards which came into common use because they
worked in practice, not because some vendors sat down in a room together and produced a paper spec.
We built this project through collaboration with actual users, and continue to do so. This is in every way a superior approach, as you can see by the size of our userbase compared to the size of the JDO userbase.
Sorry if I sound a bit arrogant here, but I have been heavily burned by mindlessly adopting "standards" when they were not the right tool for the job (EJB, for example).
P.S. You can change "vendor" anytime you like, simply by forking the code.