gavin wrote:
Well then, show more information. Starting with the Hibernate debug log.
Thanks, Gavin. Here is the last bit of the Hibernate log.
- 2003-12-04 09:26:22,811 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:22,811 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - prepared statement get: select CMS_ASSET_ID_SQ.nextval from dual
Hibernate: select CMS_ASSET_ID_SQ.nextval from dual
- 2003-12-04 09:26:22,811 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - preparing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,019 - DEBUG - main - - Sequence identifier generated: 84863
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,019 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,019 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - closing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,020 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - saving [db.cms.AssetImpl#84863]
ID: 84863
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,026 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - flushing session
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,028 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,030 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Processing unreferenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,030 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,030 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 1 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,030 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,031 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - executing flush
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,031 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister - Inserting entity: db.cms.AssetImpl#84863
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,031 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,031 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - prepared statement get: insert into CMS_ASSET (CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID, IS_OPENED, COMP_ASSET_TYPE_ID, IS_SEALED, DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG, IS_PUBLISHED, ACTIVE_STATUS, IS_REFERENCED, ASSET_STATUS_ID, ASSET_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,031 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - preparing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,032 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.persister.EntityPersister - Dehydrating entity: db.cms.AssetImpl#84863
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,032 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType - binding 'KEVIN' to parameter: 1
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,314 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.DoubleType - binding '0.0' to parameter: 2
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,314 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.LongType - binding '1' to parameter: 3
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,314 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType - binding '10' to parameter: 4
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,314 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType - binding '1' to parameter: 5
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,314 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.DoubleType - binding '0.0' to parameter: 6
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,315 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType - binding '1' to parameter: 7
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,315 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.DoubleType - binding '0.0' to parameter: 8
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,315 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.DoubleType - binding '1.0' to parameter: 9
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,316 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.type.LongType - binding '84863' to parameter: 10
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,316 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - Adding to batch
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,317 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - Executing batch size: 1
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,326 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,326 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - closing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,326 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - post flush
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,326 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - find: from db.cms.AssetImpl as a where a.customerAssetId='KEVIN'
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,347 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator - compiling query
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - flushing session
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Processing unreferenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Dont need to execute flush
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,380 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator - HQL: from db.cms.AssetImpl as a where a.customerAssetId='KEVIN'
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,381 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator - SQL: select assetimp0_.ASSET_ID as ASSET_ID, assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID as CUSTOMER2_, assetimp0_.IS_OPENED as IS_OPENED, assetimp0_.LAST_LINK_LOG_ID as LAST_LIN4_, assetimp0_.COMP_ASSET_TYPE_ID as COMP_ASS5_, assetimp0_.IS_SEALED as IS_SEALED, assetimp0_.IMAGE_LINK as IMAGE_LINK, assetimp0_.PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PRIOR_AS8_, assetimp0_.ASSET_DESCRIPTION as ASSET_DE9_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_NEXT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED10_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_ZONE_ID as LAST_RE11_, assetimp0_.LAST_LATITUDE as LAST_LA12_, assetimp0_.CREATE_WHO as CREATE_WHO, assetimp0_.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG as DEFAULT14_, assetimp0_.PARENT_ASSET_ID as PARENT_15_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PLANNED16_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_TIME as LAST_RE17_, assetimp0_.LAST_VALIDATED_ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as LAST_VA18_, assetimp0_.ATTR2 as ATTR2, assetimp0_.IS_PUBLISHED as IS_PUBL20_, assetimp0_.ACTIVE_STATUS as ACTIVE_21_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_CODE as GLOBAL_22_, assetimp0_.PERCENT_FULL as PERCENT23_, assetimp0_.ROUTE_LOG_ID as ROUTE_L24_, assetimp0_.LINK_LOG_ID as LINK_LO25_, assetimp0_.VERSION_COUNT as VERSION26_, assetimp0_.FULFILLMENT_ID as FULFILL27_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_DATE_GMT as LAST_MO28_, assetimp0_.IS_REFERENCED as IS_REFE29_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_TZ as LAST_MO30_, assetimp0_.NEXT_ASSET_ID as NEXT_AS31_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_LOCAL as CREATE_32_, assetimp0_.ASSET_STATUS_ID as ASSET_S33_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_DATE as LAST_MO34_, assetimp0_.LAST_ROUTE_LOG_ID as LAST_RO35_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_WHO as LAST_MO36_, assetimp0_.ATTR1 as ATTR1, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PARENT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED38_, assetimp0_.LAST_LONGITUDE as LAST_LO39_, assetimp0_.IS_INSPECTED as IS_INSP40_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_GMT as CREATE_41_, assetimp0_.ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as ACTIVIT42_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_DESC as GLOBAL_43_, assetimp0_.SEAL_CODE as SEAL_CODE, assetimp0_.CREATE_LOCAL_TZ as CREATE_45_ from CMS_ASSET assetimp0_ where (assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID='KEVIN' )
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,406 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,406 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - prepared statement get: select assetimp0_.ASSET_ID as ASSET_ID, assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID as CUSTOMER2_, assetimp0_.IS_OPENED as IS_OPENED, assetimp0_.LAST_LINK_LOG_ID as LAST_LIN4_, assetimp0_.COMP_ASSET_TYPE_ID as COMP_ASS5_, assetimp0_.IS_SEALED as IS_SEALED, assetimp0_.IMAGE_LINK as IMAGE_LINK, assetimp0_.PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PRIOR_AS8_, assetimp0_.ASSET_DESCRIPTION as ASSET_DE9_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_NEXT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED10_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_ZONE_ID as LAST_RE11_, assetimp0_.LAST_LATITUDE as LAST_LA12_, assetimp0_.CREATE_WHO as CREATE_WHO, assetimp0_.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG as DEFAULT14_, assetimp0_.PARENT_ASSET_ID as PARENT_15_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PLANNED16_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_TIME as LAST_RE17_, assetimp0_.LAST_VALIDATED_ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as LAST_VA18_, assetimp0_.ATTR2 as ATTR2, assetimp0_.IS_PUBLISHED as IS_PUBL20_, assetimp0_.ACTIVE_STATUS as ACTIVE_21_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_CODE as GLOBAL_22_, assetimp0_.PERCENT_FULL as PERCENT23_, assetimp0_.ROUTE_LOG_ID as ROUTE_L24_, assetimp0_.LINK_LOG_ID as LINK_LO25_, assetimp0_.VERSION_COUNT as VERSION26_, assetimp0_.FULFILLMENT_ID as FULFILL27_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_DATE_GMT as LAST_MO28_, assetimp0_.IS_REFERENCED as IS_REFE29_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_TZ as LAST_MO30_, assetimp0_.NEXT_ASSET_ID as NEXT_AS31_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_LOCAL as CREATE_32_, assetimp0_.ASSET_STATUS_ID as ASSET_S33_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_DATE as LAST_MO34_, assetimp0_.LAST_ROUTE_LOG_ID as LAST_RO35_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_WHO as LAST_MO36_, assetimp0_.ATTR1 as ATTR1, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PARENT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED38_, assetimp0_.LAST_LONGITUDE as LAST_LO39_, assetimp0_.IS_INSPECTED as IS_INSP40_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_GMT as CREATE_41_, assetimp0_.ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as ACTIVIT42_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_DESC as GLOBAL_43_, assetimp0_.SEAL_CODE as SEAL_CODE, assetimp0_.CREATE_LOCAL_TZ as CREATE_45_ from CMS_ASSET assetimp0_ where (assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID='KEVIN' )
Hibernate: select assetimp0_.ASSET_ID as ASSET_ID, assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID as CUSTOMER2_, assetimp0_.IS_OPENED as IS_OPENED, assetimp0_.LAST_LINK_LOG_ID as LAST_LIN4_, assetimp0_.COMP_ASSET_TYPE_ID as COMP_ASS5_, assetimp0_.IS_SEALED as IS_SEALED, assetimp0_.IMAGE_LINK as IMAGE_LINK, assetimp0_.PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PRIOR_AS8_, assetimp0_.ASSET_DESCRIPTION as ASSET_DE9_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_NEXT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED10_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_ZONE_ID as LAST_RE11_, assetimp0_.LAST_LATITUDE as LAST_LA12_, assetimp0_.CREATE_WHO as CREATE_WHO, assetimp0_.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG as DEFAULT14_, assetimp0_.PARENT_ASSET_ID as PARENT_15_, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PRIOR_ASSET_ID as PLANNED16_, assetimp0_.LAST_RECORDED_TIME as LAST_RE17_, assetimp0_.LAST_VALIDATED_ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as LAST_VA18_, assetimp0_.ATTR2 as ATTR2, assetimp0_.IS_PUBLISHED as IS_PUBL20_, assetimp0_.ACTIVE_STATUS as ACTIVE_21_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_CODE as GLOBAL_22_, assetimp0_.PERCENT_FULL as PERCENT23_, assetimp0_.ROUTE_LOG_ID as ROUTE_L24_, assetimp0_.LINK_LOG_ID as LINK_LO25_, assetimp0_.VERSION_COUNT as VERSION26_, assetimp0_.FULFILLMENT_ID as FULFILL27_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_DATE_GMT as LAST_MO28_, assetimp0_.IS_REFERENCED as IS_REFE29_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_TZ as LAST_MO30_, assetimp0_.NEXT_ASSET_ID as NEXT_AS31_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_LOCAL as CREATE_32_, assetimp0_.ASSET_STATUS_ID as ASSET_S33_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_LOCAL_DATE as LAST_MO34_, assetimp0_.LAST_ROUTE_LOG_ID as LAST_RO35_, assetimp0_.LAST_MODIFY_WHO as LAST_MO36_, assetimp0_.ATTR1 as ATTR1, assetimp0_.PLANNED_PARENT_ASSET_ID as PLANNED38_, assetimp0_.LAST_LONGITUDE as LAST_LO39_, assetimp0_.IS_INSPECTED as IS_INSP40_, assetimp0_.CREATE_DATE_GMT as CREATE_41_, assetimp0_.ACTIVITY_LOG_ID as ACTIVIT42_, assetimp0_.GLOBAL_DESC as GLOBAL_43_, assetimp0_.SEAL_CODE as SEAL_CODE, assetimp0_.CREATE_LOCAL_TZ as CREATE_45_ from CMS_ASSET assetimp0_ where (assetimp0_.CUSTOMER_ASSET_ID='KEVIN' )
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,514 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - preparing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,544 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader - processing result set
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,545 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader - done processing result set (0 rows)
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,545 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,545 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl - closing statement
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,545 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader - total objects hydrated: 0
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,545 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - loading [db.cms.AssetImpl#84863]
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - attempting to resolve [db.cms.AssetImpl#84863]
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - resolved object in session cache [db.cms.AssetImpl#84863]
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - flushing session
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Processing unreferenced collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 1 objects
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - executing flush
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,546 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - post flush
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,547 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - closing session
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,547 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - disconnecting session
- 2003-12-04 09:26:23,547 - DEBUG - main - net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl - transaction completion