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 Post subject: Regions with OSCache
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:12 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:06 pm
Posts: 7
In looking through the various caching options available, I noticed that OSCache does not specify multiple cache regions like JCS or ehcache do. Then, in looking through the mail archives, I found this post from Gavin:

It looks like this is not possible
with oscache, or swarmcache, so what I would
suggest is that we adopt a convention where
oscache-foo.Bar.properties is the properties file
for the oscache region foo.Bar. Then, perhaps,
oscache.properties would be a "fallback" with
defaults, in case there is no config for that
specific region.

Does this mean that OSCache support has been/will be implemented such that cache regions can be specified for each type of Hibernate-aware object?

Furthermore, how does this interact clustering support? It appears that the only way to have OSCache support multiple cache regions is by actually having multiple caches, each corresponding to a particular class of Hibernate-aware objects; but in the OSCache documentation it looks like if you want to use its clustering support (via multicast), then you have to specify a different Multicast IP address for each cache you use.

So are regions properly working using OSCache? And if so, does that information propogate properly across a cluster?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:40 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:50 pm
Posts: 5130
Location: Melbourne, Australia
OSCacheProvider implements regions. You specify properties in oscache.properties by qualifiying the config parameters by the region name.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:27 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:06 pm
Posts: 7
Thanks for the tip - has this made its way into the docs yet? Also, do you need to specify a different multicast address for each region in order to update the cache across a cluster?

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