like it says..
Let's say LOTSOFSTUFF and EXTRADATA are icky denormalized data warehouse tables I can't change. Then I can do...
<class name="my.Thing" table="LOTSOFSTUFF" where="type like '%thing%'">....
and I can do, say
<joined-subclass name="my.DetailedThing" extends="my.Thing" table="EXTRADATA">....
but if there are great swathes of EXTRADATA I don't care about, I can't do...
<joined-subclass name="my.DetailedThing" extends="my.Thing" table="EXTRADATA" where="relevant=true" >....
Should <joined-subclass> support the where= attribute, like <class> and the various collection elements? Or is this a bad idea? Right now I have a view RELEVANTEXTRADATA holding that where clause.