Sorry, forgot to turn on the debug level!
Below are the debug level messages:
12:50:24,132 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:281 - instantiated session factory
12:50:24,132 DEBUG SessionImpl:413 - opened session
12:50:24,142 DEBUG SessionImpl:656 - saving [com.poc.Address#004]
12:50:24,142 DEBUG SessionImpl:656 - saving [com.poc.Vendor#004]
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:336 - processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:344 - done processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,142 DEBUG SessionImpl:2520 - Wrapped collection in role: com.poc.Vendor.contacts
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:336 - processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:275 - cascading to collection: com.poc.Vendor.contacts
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:87 - cascading to saveOrUpdate()
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:237 - unsaved-value strategy NULL
12:50:24,142 DEBUG SessionImpl:1205 - saveOrUpdate() previously saved instance with id: 1
12:50:24,142 DEBUG SessionImpl:1270 - updating [com.poc.Contact#1]
12:50:24,142 DEBUG Cascades:87 - cascading to saveOrUpdate()
12:50:24,152 DEBUG Cascades:237 - unsaved-value strategy NULL
12:50:24,152 DEBUG SessionImpl:1205 - saveOrUpdate() previously saved instance with id: 2
12:50:24,152 DEBUG SessionImpl:1270 - updating [com.poc.Contact#2]
12:50:24,152 DEBUG Cascades:344 - done processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,152 DEBUG SessionImpl:2011 - flushing session
12:50:24,152 DEBUG Cascades:336 - processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,152 DEBUG Cascades:275 - cascading to collection: com.poc.Vendor.contacts
12:50:24,152 DEBUG Cascades:87 - cascading to saveOrUpdate()
12:50:24,162 DEBUG SessionImpl:1183 - saveOrUpdate() persistent instance
12:50:24,162 DEBUG Cascades:87 - cascading to saveOrUpdate()
12:50:24,162 DEBUG SessionImpl:1183 - saveOrUpdate() persistent instance
12:50:24,162 DEBUG Cascades:344 - done processing cascades for: com.poc.Vendor
12:50:24,162 DEBUG SessionImpl:2113 - Flushing entities and processing referenced collections
12:50:24,162 DEBUG SessionImpl:2550 - Collection found: [com.poc.Vendor.contacts#004], was: [<unreferenced>]
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2209 - Updating entity: [com.poc.Contact#1]
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2209 - Updating entity: [com.poc.Contact#2]
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2397 - Processing unreferenced collections
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2408 - Scheduling collection removes/(re)creates/updates
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2023 - Flushed: 2 insertions, 2 updates, 0 deletions to 4 objects
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2028 - Flushed: 1 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 1 collections
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:2058 - executing flush
12:50:24,172 DEBUG EntityPersister:464 - Inserting entity: com.poc.Address#004
12:50:24,172 DEBUG BatcherImpl:166 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,172 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:77 - total checked-out connections: 0
12:50:24,172 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:83 - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
12:50:24,172 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:526 - prepared statement get: insert into TEST_ADDRESS (CITY, COUNTRY, LINE1, LINE2, STATE, ZIP, VENDORID) values
12:50:24,182 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:536 - preparing statement
12:50:24,182 DEBUG EntityPersister:366 - Dehydrating entity: com.poc.Address#004
12:50:24,182 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,182 DEBUG EntityPersister:464 - Inserting entity: com.poc.Vendor#004
12:50:24,182 DEBUG BatcherImpl:46 - Executing batch size: 1
12:50:24,182 DEBUG BatcherImpl:173 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,182 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:554 - closing statement
12:50:24,192 DEBUG BatcherImpl:166 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,192 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:526 - prepared statement get: insert into TEST_VENDOR (VENDORNAME, VENDORID) values (?, ?)
12:50:24,192 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:536 - preparing statement
12:50:24,192 DEBUG EntityPersister:366 - Dehydrating entity: com.poc.Vendor#004
12:50:24,192 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,192 DEBUG BatcherImpl:46 - Executing batch size: 1
12:50:24,202 DEBUG BatcherImpl:173 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,202 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:554 - closing statement
12:50:24,202 DEBUG EntityPersister:617 - Updating entity: com.poc.Contact#1
12:50:24,202 DEBUG BatcherImpl:166 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,202 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:526 - prepared statement get: update TEST_CONTACT set CONTACTNAME=?, CONTACTPHONE=? where CONTACTID=?
12:50:24,202 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:536 - preparing statement
12:50:24,202 DEBUG EntityPersister:366 - Dehydrating entity: com.poc.Contact#1
12:50:24,202 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,202 DEBUG EntityPersister:617 - Updating entity: com.poc.Contact#2
12:50:24,202 DEBUG EntityPersister:366 - Dehydrating entity: com.poc.Contact#2
12:50:24,212 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,212 DEBUG BatcherImpl:46 - Executing batch size: 2
12:50:24,212 DEBUG BatcherImpl:173 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,212 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:554 - closing statement
12:50:24,212 DEBUG CollectionPersister:617 - Inserting collection: com.poc.Vendor.contacts#004
12:50:24,222 DEBUG BatcherImpl:166 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,222 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:526 - prepared statement get: update TEST_CONTACT set VENDORID=? where CONTACTID=?
12:50:24,222 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:536 - preparing statement
12:50:24,222 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,222 DEBUG BatcherImpl:24 - Adding to batch
12:50:24,222 DEBUG CollectionPersister:643 - done inserting collection
12:50:24,222 DEBUG BatcherImpl:46 - Executing batch size: 2
12:50:24,232 DEBUG BatcherImpl:173 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
12:50:24,232 DEBUG SessionFactoryImpl:554 - closing statement
12:50:24,232 DEBUG SessionImpl:2428 - post flush
12:50:24,232 DEBUG SessionImpl:435 - closing session
12:50:24,232 DEBUG SessionImpl:2930 - disconnecting session
12:50:24,232 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:117 - returning connection to pool, pool size: 1
12:50:24,232 DEBUG SessionImpl:447 - transaction completion