Hello. I cannot set hibernate to write SQL request parameters values to log.
I work on project and it uses hibernate 4.1.8. After some search I found two solutions other people use for that but I was not able to make them work:
- set logging property
org.hibernate.type to ALL. Later about that.
- use
P6Spy - third party SQL driver. I was not able even set SQL connection. It crashes on first request and its description looks outdated.
As I would like not to take third party software even for debug, it would be much better to get how to set org.hibernate.type property.
I tried to set it in
log4j.properties file:
I tried to set it in
<logger name="org.hibernate.type">
<level value="trace"/>
I know log4j reads xml config for sure, as I get errors in log if I put some wrong tags in log4j.xml.
Unfortunately this not works. May be
pom.xml file broken. All I was able to get - SQL commands written to console, but only with
<property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
Also I saw some info that this could be caused by absent dependencies. I put in pom.xml anything could solve but no luck:
<!--hibernate -->
<!-- Hibernate Spatial for mysql. This will include Hibernate Spatial Core and JTS -->
<!-- custom type mappings for java 8 time classes -->
<!--hibernate -->
<!-- c3p0 used for postgresql connection -->
<!-- hibernate c3p0 connection pooling -->
<!-- logback -->
Please help. It could be that I just search i wrong place and get many search results, but they are outdated. Link to relevant manual would be nice too.