It is a big paragraph;
Here it is;
12:48:38,443 INFO [stdout] (default task-30) Hibernate: select as id1_55_2_, this_.created as created2_55_2_, this_.updated as updated3_55_2_, this_.close_date as close_da4_55_2_, this_.customer2_id as custome21_55_2_, this_.customer_id as customer5_55_2_, this_.open_date as open_dat6_55_2_, this_.suspension_off_date as suspensi7_55_2_, this_.suspension_on_date as suspensi8_55_2_, this_.version as version9_55_2_, this_.visible as visible10_55_2_, this_.ANSWERTYPE2_ID as ANSWERT22_55_2_, this_.ANSWERTYPE_ID as ANSWERT11_55_2_, this_.ASKED as ASKED12_55_2_, this_.code as code13_55_2_, this_.expired as expired14_55_2_, this_.expirySeconds as expiryS15_55_2_, this_.priority as priorit16_55_2_, this_.bpm_process_instance_id as bpm_pro17_55_2_, this_.question2_id as questio23_55_2_, this_.question_id as questio18_55_2_, this_.questionText as questio19_55_2_, this_.recipient2_id as recipie24_55_2_, this_.recipient_id as recipie20_55_2_, as id1_6_0_, 10x1_.created as created2_6_0_, 10x1_.updated as updated3_6_0_, 10x1_.action as action4_6_0_, 10x1_.code as code5_6_0_, 10x1_.comment as comment6_6_0_, 10x1_.person2_id as person10_6_0_, 10x1_.person_id as person_i7_6_0_, 10x1_.questionask2_id as questio11_6_0_, 10x1_.questionask_id as question8_6_0_, 10x1_.snoozedate as snoozeda9_6_0_, as id1_15_1_, person4_1_.created as created2_15_1_, person4_1_.updated as updated3_15_1_, person4_1_.abn as abn4_15_1_, person4_1_.code as code5_15_1_, person4_1_.email2_id as email10_15_1_, person4_1_.imageurl as imageurl6_15_1_, as name7_15_1_, person4_1_.parent2_id as parent11_15_1_, person4_1_.parent_id as parent_i8_15_1_, person4_1_.zone_id as zone_id9_15_1_, person4_.firstname as firstnam1_45_1_, person4_.latitude as latitude2_45_1_, person4_.longitude as longitud3_45_1_, person4_.jobtitle as jobtitle4_45_1_, person4_.keycloak_id as keycloak5_45_1_, person4_.lastname as lastname6_45_1_ from questionask this_ inner join answer 10x1_ on left outer join person person4_ on left outer join crm person4_1_ on where 10x1_.code in (?) limit ?
12:48:38,504 INFO [stdout] (default task-30) Hibernate: select contexts0_.qa_id as qa_id9_14_0_, as id1_14_0_, as id1_14_1_, contexts0_.created as created2_14_1_, contexts0_.updated as updated3_14_1_, contexts0_.className as classNam4_14_1_, contexts0_.entityCode as entityCo5_14_1_, contexts0_.entityId as entityId6_14_1_, contexts0_.entityName as entityNa7_14_1_, contexts0_.reference as referenc8_14_1_ from context contexts0_ where contexts0_.qa_id=?
vlad wrote:
How does the SQL query looks like?
You need to enable SQL logging. Check out
this article for more info.