Hi, in the version 4.1 of Hibernate (hibernate-core-4.1.7.Final.jar), in the package org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl there is a class DatabaseMetadata and the method getTableMetadata; using Eclipse, and decompiling a Java project with jd-gui, I've found that the method getTableMetadata is all commented and so is empty (there is also a /* error */ comment line in the header of the method, if you look at the Java code of the class).
Now, in the new version of Hibernate, the class DatabaseMetadata in the package org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl isn't present; I've looked in other packages, but I can't found this class.
Can someone gives me some suggestions about this?
My goal is to create a connection between Solr and Hibernate; I'm looking at this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33143571/hibernate-search-integration-with-apache-solr-unable-to-index-data
Thanks a lot.