say I have a named query defined in an hbm file that looks like this Assume that the relationships are all correct
<query name="">from Person as person join person.ebizAccountSet as ebizAccount join ebizAccount.ebizAccountRoleSet ebizAccountRole where ebizAccountRole.ebizRoleId=? and person.birthDate = ? and ebizAccount.accountId=? </query>
I call the query like this' params =objArray (List<Object>) getHibernateTemplate().findByNamedQuery( getQueryName(), params);
assume the right query name is returned: and the parameters are all strings, the last being returned as "id1,id2,id3,id4"
Object[] objArray = { getEbizRole(), getBirthDate(), getGuids().toString().substring(1,getGuids().toString().length()-1)};
with replace meant it would be Object[] objArray = { "role1", "2015-01-01", "id1,id2,id3,id4")};
should this work? I get no error, but, no result.