hy, i have to save a list of object by hibernate batch, this operation generate a constrainstViolation exceptioin. the question is that i want to know the id of the failed object "the one who generated the exception". thank's.
here is my code try { for (i = 0; i < js.size(); i++) { Jugement jugement=new Jugement(); jugement=js.get(i); jugement.set(....); s.save(jugement); if(i%50==0) { s.flush(); s.clear(); } } t.commit(); return -1; } catch(HibernateException e) { System.out.println("myexc: "+e.getLocalizedMessage()+" name: "+e.getClass()); System.out.println("res... i= "+i); return i; } finally { s.close(); }