Following up on the vulnerability alert CVE-2014-3558 for Hibernate validator 4.2.0 version I searched for the Hibernate validator 4.2.1.Final to update the libraries we use. Unfortunately, couldn't find this specific version on the web.
From the hibernate validator related updates its clear that the fix versions are 4.2.1Final, 4.3.2.Final, 5.1.2.Final, 5.2.0.Alpha1. In the link http://hibernate.org/validator/downloads/ I noticed the recent releases are 5.2.0 Alpha, 5.1.3.Final and 4.3.2.Final. As I need Hibernate Validator 4.2.1.Final I looked into the links (https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/index.html#nexus-search;gav~org.hibernate~hibernate-validator~~~ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate-validator/) that was mentioned in the hibernate page for older versions. The pages for older versions downloads are having versions from 4.3.0. after the 4.2.0.Final release.
Could you please let me know where I can find the Hibernate Validator 4.2.1.Final Jar for our update ?
Thanks, Abinaya Pitchai, Software Engineer, Black Duck Software.