Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 7:10 am Posts: 1
Slowness Observed in createQuery API
With refernce to one of the implementation , I am trying to create Query object for one of the SQL but some how it takes around ~20 seconds to create the same. Can someone please point as to what is wrong in the implementation or an alternative for the saem
Appreciate help on the same
Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString.toString());
queryString = select cr from TABLE_A cr left join fetch cr.TABLE_B WHERE cr.transactionTimeStart <= :now and cr.transactionTimeStop > :now and (( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=2 ) ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=0 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 ) OR ( cr.refID='ABC' and cr.refVersion=1 )...