Hi guys,
I have a Person entity with an embeddable Address and there's a one-to-many relation between them (a person can have multiple addresses). The current mapping is something like this:
public class Address {
// ... attributes
public class Person {
@ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinTable(name = "Person_addresses", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "personid")
Attribute ovverrides with annotations
private java.util.Set<Address> addresses = new java.util.HashSet<Address>();
Using this annotation means that in the database I have a Person_addresses table which contains all the address attributes and a personid. But it also means that if I have a person with an address list and I update the address list, Hibernate deletes all the related records and inserts them (the modified ones) again.
As far as I know there's a way to have a primary key in this table for each record - in this case hibernate can decide which item of the list needs to be updated. So my question is, how can I map an embeddable list with identifiers in the joining table? (I hope it's understandable what I want:)).